Apr 20, 2005 21:40

For the like, 3 people who read this, fill it out :) Hehe..sooooo don't want to do hw ( Read more... )

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willams April 20 2005, 20:23:36 UTC
I died from suicide: I would cry for days on end and be very sad
I said I liked you:hmmm i think we have already been over that
I kissed you: right now tell you i had a girlfriend, if i didnt have a girlfriend i wouldnt mind
I lived next door to you:That would be amazing!!! Then i would get to see you
I started smoking: I wouldnt be happy but your entitled to make your own decisions
I stole something: I dont think you would
I was hospitalized: drive out to michigan or long island and sit with you till you got better
I ran away from home: Give you a place to stay and try to figure out how to solve whatever was wrong
I got into a fight and you weren't there: get there as fast as i could to help

Personality: One of the most amazing people i know
Eyes: happy
Face: cute
Hair: pretty
Clothes: casual dress... best kind of clothes
Mannerisms: hmmmm
Family: dont know them

Lie to make me feel better?: nope
Spread rumors about me?: nope
Keep a secret if I told you one?: of course
Loan me some cash?: mos def yes
Hold my hand?: sure as long as it wasnt romantic
Take a bullet for me?: mos def yes
Keep in touch?: of course!
Try and solve my problems?: yup i try
Love me?: as a friend
Date me?: if i wasnt going out with jenn then yes

*-AM I-*
1. Am I cute? def
2. Am I sweet? one of the sweetest people i know
3. Am I crazy? a little bit, especially you and tanis' conversations
4. Am I lovable? yup
5. Am I a phsyco? nope
6. Am I funny? wicked funny
7. Am I daring? not really
8. Am I a good person? one of the best

*-Would You...-*
9. Hug me? yup
10. Miss me if I was gone? indeed i do
11. Listen to my problems? anytime you need me to
12. Be a good friend? try to
13. Ever go out with me? see above
14. If you already have...would you do it again?
15. Kiss me? if i wasnt going out with someone
16. Marry me if you could? yea i think you would be an awesome wife
17. Talk bad about me if we broke up? nope we would def stay friends

*-How Well Do You Know Me-*
18. When's my birthday? march 25
19. How old am I? 19
20. What school do I go to? Michigan state university
21. Do I have any siblings? dont think so
22. Who is my most current ex? dan
23. Who is my best friend? ummmmmm
24. What's my favorite animal? one of the apes
25. What's my favorite sport? baseball?
26. What's my favorite T.V. Show? no idea
27. What's my favorite song? no idea
28. What's my favorite music group? en vogue or something to that effect maybe

*-Who Am I-*
29. What T.V. Star do I remind you most of? pah movie star schmoovie star
30. What song would you dedicate to me? hmm thats a tough one...
31. What famous person do I most resemble? dunno

*-If You Could-*
32. Give me a new name...What would it be and why? drea but thats not really new
33. Hook me up with someone...Who would it be and why? hmmm
34. Do one thing with me...What would it be and why? hang out with you since i never get to
35. Drop me one piece of advice...What would it be? think better of yourself

*-Just A Few Questions-*
36. What do you love about me? everything
37. What do you hate about me? nothing
38. What is my best quality? personality
39. If you could change one thing about me...What would it be and why? make you stop thinking so lowly of yourself
40. What is your honest opinion of me? i think you rock


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