Marauder_Elite Guide and Application

Dec 14, 2006 13:31

The marauder_elite guide and application-drop post has been moved to this post!

Sorry for the inconvenience. This post will remain only as a placeholder and to keep previously dropped applications on file--please direct all questions or application posts to the above url.



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Application for Lucius Malfoy, Part 2 incognito323 July 31 2007, 07:43:15 UTC
Proposed Played-By: (Who will represent your character in your icons?) Possibly this guy, Paul Boche, if I can find more interesting pictures:

Sample journal entry: (First person, 200+ words)
Stopped by the Ministry today to show my support for the proposed bill concerning Muggle-borns. Some people seem to think that Mudbloods are just as deserving as us purebloods, if not more, of a good magical education. How very wrong they are. There isn’t a trickle of magical blood in them, and yet they are to receive preferential treatment? However, I find that I am very, ah, persuasive when I need to be. I hold a very strong status among the Wizengamot, for example, many of whom are easily swayed by my Malfoy charms. I daresay they remember what happened to those who were unsupportive of my father’s proposed legislation…

In other news, I plan on surprising Narcissa for our anniversary. She was complaining the other day that I simply don’t spend enough time with her, or pay enough attention to her. Well, won’t she be surprised to see what I have up my sleeve for her. Hopefully, my letter to the headmaster should excuse her. I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Her dear, dying aunt just wants to see her beloved niece one last time…! Of course, Dumbledore has always been fairly suspicious of me, although I’m not sure why; I was a phenomenal student and I never caused any trouble (that he could pin on me, anyway…)

Some friends are coming over for a meeting tonight, which means I’ll have to lock up that bloody house elf. I’ve got to give it completely clear instructions, with no possible loop holes, otherwise it’ll run off and try to sabotage something. What it seeks to gain from sabotaging us, I have no idea. Its ancestors were perfectly happy to serve the Malfoys, what in Merlin’s name is wrong with this one? Leave it up to my mother to leave me the neurotic elf.

Sample RP: (Third person, 200+ words)
Lucius Apparated into the Ministry lobby with a faint pop. He was immediately jostled on all sides by Ministry witches and wizards coming in to work for the morning. He narrowed his eyes as a particularly unkempt witch collided with his elbow. The witch hurried away, apparently startled by the glowering look Lucius bestowed upon her. Straightening slightly, Lucius swept through the lobby, his black robes billowing at his heels. He passed up the security desk, without a backward glance. The security wizard watched Malfoy pass, half-glad that he didn’t have to deal with him today, half-irritated that Lucius didn’t take the time to register his wand.

Lucius got into a relatively full lift, ducking his head as a memo flew in to join the passengers. A couple wizards who had just entered the lift left with a furtive glance at Lucius, who smirked.

The doors clanged shut and the lift descended. The only sound in the lift was the rustling of the memos and the clanking of the gears. Lucius dismounted the lift at level two, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He passed the Aurors offices with another arrogant smirk. He went right to the Wizengamot administration door and knocked.

“Lucius Malfoy,” he drawled, sounding bored. “We had an appointment to discuss the new legislation concerning the magical education of Muggle-borns.”

The door swung open and Lucius stepped in, to find a frightened young undersecretary gaping at him.

“Well?” he said testily. “Fetch me your boss. Hurry up.”

The young witch scampered out of the room, upsetting a stack of brochures. Lucius smirked again, and settled himself in one of the arm chairs in the antechamber. He could wait. He had all the time in the world. The Wizengamot, however, did not.


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