Marauder_Elite Guide and Application

Dec 14, 2006 13:31

The marauder_elite guide and application-drop post has been moved to this post!

Sorry for the inconvenience. This post will remain only as a placeholder and to keep previously dropped applications on file--please direct all questions or application posts to the above url.



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Application for Lucius Malfoy, Part 1 incognito323 July 31 2007, 07:38:16 UTC

Are a member of Hogwarts Elite? If not, who is sponsoring your application? Yes ma’am.

Name/Nickname: Sarah
LJ name/House: (LJ name only if you are not an H_E member) ”incognito323” // Gryffindor
Age: 17
RPG Experience: (Players without experience are welcome, we just like to have an idea of how familiar you are with RP.) I’ve been Molly Weasley in this RP since it was started. That’s about it.
Email Address: or
Timezone: PST
If you don't get the character, would you be willing to apply for another: Oh yes!
If yes, which characters would you be interested in: Kingsley Shacklebolt or any girls so that Lily Evans might have some friends XD

||In Character||
Name: Lucius Malfoy
House, Age, and Year: Slytherin, approx. 28, graduated
Bloodline: Pureblood
Political Affiliation: Death Eater

The following questions should be nice and detailed in your responses.

Physical Description: Pale and blond, Lucius Malfoy has the air of old money and arrogance. His feelings of entitlement are indicated in the manner in which he holds himself, upright and rigid. Though some might describe his steely grey eyes as “cold,” Malfoy himself would describe them as keen and calculating. Malfoy does not walk, but struts lazily, as if the whole world ought to wait for him or move at his pace. His pointed face echoes the same lines and angles that recall the most ancient ancestors of the Malfoy clan.

Character History: Lucius Malfoy has since graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he was in the house of Slytherin. He has long harbored a soft spot for the Dark Arts, which makes him a perfect candidate for the followers of the Dark Lord. Lucius also seems to have an inbred disdain for Muggles and Muggle-borns; really, anyone who isn’t pureblood. Malfoy hasn’t had to work a day in his life, owing to the family house else, Dobby, and the large sums of gold passed down through generations of Malfoys. This doesn’t keep Malfoy from schmoozing and making connections with Ministry officials and other higher-ups in order to benefit himself and his family.

Character Personality: Lucius is very proud of his pureblood ancestry, which makes him feel very critical of any who don’t come from anything but the best blood stock. His arrogance often offends, but Lucius is only interested in making “friends” who matter. Power holds a great pull on him, which is why he sought the company of Death Eaters and the Dark Lord. Cold and calculating, Lucius will do anything to advance his position in the world. He considers Muggles, Muggle-borns and blood traitors to be far beneath him and a waste of his time. He has a certain, well hidden soft spot for members of his family and those he loves. However, Lucius takes great care not to reveal this soft spot to any of his Death Eater associates, with whom he keeps up an appearance of tough, calculating cruelty.

What are your plans for the character, plot-/ship-wise? Clearly, to advance any plots the Death Eaters have going. Also, to get him involved in a relationship with Narcissa, since they’ll be marrying eventually :D


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