Marauder_Elite Guide and Application

Dec 14, 2006 13:31

The marauder_elite guide and application-drop post has been moved to this post!

Sorry for the inconvenience. This post will remain only as a placeholder and to keep previously dropped applications on file--please direct all questions or application posts to the above url.



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Alice McMillan! novangla July 3 2007, 05:11:07 UTC

Are a member of Hogwarts Elite? If not, who is sponsoring your application? Yah

Name/Nickname: Bridey
LJ name/House: (LJ name only if you are not an H_E member) xferinoc/Gryffindor
Age: 19
RPG Experience: (Players without experience are welcome, we just like to have an idea of how familiar you are with RP.) ...
Email Address: …
Timezone: …
If you don't get the character, would you be willing to apply for another: …
If yes, which characters would you be interested in: …

||In Character||
Name: Alice McMillan
House, Age, and Year: Gryffindor, 20, Class of '76
Bloodline: Pure
Political Affiliation: Strongly Anti-DE. Alice thinks the current prejudice and violence is abhorrent and has, in pursuing the career of an Auror, devoted her life to stopping it.

The following questions should be nice and detailed in your responses.

Physical Description: Alice is what many have described as one who looks like a "very nice girl"-her short stature, round face, and curvy figure have never given her the appearance of a bombshell. When she was younger, this was an issue of some distress, but she grew more confident in her body image as it presented no stumbling block to popularity or a lasting happy relationship. Alice has greenish-blue eyes and wavy blonde hair, which she likes to straighten at top and curl at bottom. She tries not to let it get too long, as she thinks long hair accents her shortness, but it is a bit longer than normal now because she wanted to have it a bit more glamourous for the wedding.

Character History: Alice grew up in a fairly non-political middle-class wizarding family. Her father, Timothy, has a steady position in the International Magical Office of Law. Her mother Lyra has opted to work from the home, writing a monthly column for Witch Weekly, in order to focus her efforts on raising Alice properly. The attention made her fairly confident and a very picky eater, but not quite to a point of being spoiled or arrogant. Once Alice started school, Lyra's column became a biweekly and the writer poured the rest of her attention into their three Irish setters. Growing up, Alice always wished she had siblings to keep her company, but her parents wanted to raise their child comfortably, and multiple children would tighten the budget in an undesirable way.
Alice was a very cheerful child, happy to play with her dolls and cousins and imaginary friends whenever left alone. She had no trouble moving between groups of fellow children and adults, and this made gave her an overall amicability. Her first self-doubt came in her second or third years at Hogwarts, when she started seeing her baby-fat face and figure as less cute and more of a social barrier. However, she made up for whatever shortcoming by her optimistic, bright, and friendly demeanor, and she swiftly and clearly became well-liked throughout her house and year. As a prefect, she was always respected, except by a few spoiled brats from Slytherin, and she treated the other students fairly, rarely letting her position give her an attitude of superiority.
It was through being a Prefect that she grew closer to Frank Longbottom. They had been in the same house and year, but Alice was not particularly close to any boys in her early years. She preferred the company of other girls in other houses over the loud, immature Gryffindor boys. As they got older, though, Alice developed an on-again off-again crush on Frank, often coming back to liking him after being disillusioned with other boys. When they were both made Prefects, she was happy to spend slightly more time with him, though they were both busy on their own. Eventually though, something changed in Frank and their relationship developed into something more than friendly acquaintances. They dated rather happily for the last year and a half of Hogwarts, and Alice was thrilled at Frank's proposal shortly after graduation. For those two years, Alice has been living with Frank as they both proceeded in Auror training (though his progress has been more speedy) and (in theory, at least) worked on planning their wedding, which is scheduled for spring of 1978.


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