
Sep 19, 2010 16:59

Name or Preferred Name: Miyu
Age (Please, remember no one under the age of sixteen): 19
Personal LiveJournal: mommy_miyu
Preferred E-mail Address:
Contact (AIM/ MSN/ etc.): AIM: mistressevilmiyu

Character's LiveJournal (Please have an HMD post in place): animaetvita (But I'll tag people with vita_et_mortus because that's icon account.)
Link to Fandom Wiki:
+ Here

Point at which character was taken at in canon (Chapter, episode, etc.): After fighting Takaya for the last time, before facing Nyx's Avatar on the rooftop of Tartarus. (1/31 Dark Hour) [Shinjiro's Social Link was maxed]
If applicable, do you play any other characters in theblackpriests ? Whom?: Yes, I do play Firion from Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Character's Personality (One to two paragraphs, please):

Kazehana is a silent protagonist where you get the option to decide everything. Even so, it's seems that she's the kind of woman that keeps smiling every time when she's around her friends or anything similar. She likes to go out with her friends and help them to when they are on trouble, even going to the extreme on saying that she will kick someone's ass if you hurt a friend.

Not only that, she seems to always have something to say in any matter. It might be what they want to hear, or perhaps the truth that someone doesn't want to hear, she will always take into consideration the circumstances about what to say. This is why she can become friends with the most strange people and learn to understand them so easily.

Also, she posses a great will, knowing to not give up when she sets something on her head. Either that being going into a suicide mission to kill Nyx or just trying to visit Shinjiro's room just because she loves him. In any case, she can be a bit stubborn just only to archive a goal. Or only push the correct buttons so everybody can open themselves to her.

As a teenager, she's responsible with studies and her duties, and also with her love life. She will never let anyone down as long as she can do anything to help. She will cry if she losses someone important because she couldn't be there to help, as she did with Shinjiro when she was shoot by Takaya, or she will be serious about an issue that everybody needs to be involved with.

She has a tendency to analyze the situation calmly and quickly made up her mind in order to keep moving in this world. And she doesn't have any regrets during her life, making her being able to move to the future without problems. Even at the point of sacrificing herself to help the humanity.

As for her hobbies, one can say that she enjoys to eat great amounts of food.


One of Kazehana's greatest strenghts it's her ability to adapt quickly to the situations she is in. Adapting to the school, to the Dark Hour, or anything similar, she will adapt herself easily without problems.

Also, after all her time in Tartarus, she's a strong fighter and very skilled with her weapon, making her be able to stand on her own easily. Her body is used to stay long periods of time fighting and reciving damage from the monsters.

She's very smart, charismatic and courageus enough to confront any situation she needs to for any reason. It can be try some food that looks like can kill a person, or being enough charismatic to overcome the continues glares from fangirls because she's near one of the coolest guys around the school.

In addition, she can make friends very easily once she starts talking to them. She will spend time with them and anything related to taht without any problem. Since friends makes her strong, she lerans to cheerish them with all her heart.

Furthermore, she is always very optimistic and tries to find a very positive thing to her life. She will smile for the next day and she will say nice words in order to make the next day a bright one. Everyone says that she's always smiling around.

She's a natural leader, so it's not surprisingly that everybody relies on her in battle or when there are some decisions that needs to be taken. After all, she always thinks in others before in herself.


Her friends are her weakness since she is really attached to them after all they have endured. If someone tries something against them, she will go and kick someone's ass in order to save them. Even if that doesn't sound very rational itself. (Like to yell a group of punks in a corridor.)

And another one is the fact that she is always honest with her feelings, and perhaps some people will not like what she has to say in the moment, but that's the way she works after all. There's no reason to lie after all.

Kazehana also is very stubborn. If she wants to archive to a goal, then she will do ir. Even if that is going to her Senpai's room or just try to make other people understand her point of view. But, she won't force her opinion on anyway, but she will try to make the other person understand her position.

She also tends to act more with her feelings than with her brain. In some cases, she will think a lot, but depending on the situation, she will always do what she feels it's correct and sometimes risking her life in the process.

Any special abilities or powers the character may have:

She's a Persona-user. A Persona is a manifestation of a person's personality referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship. To summon it one must use an Evoker, that has the shape of a gun but it's not. She also posses the ability called "Wild Card" that allows her to be able to summon differents personae and more than one at the same time to do fusion spells.

Also, her weapon choice is a Naginata, and she's very skilled with it.

Character History (One to two paragraphs, please):

So the story goes like this. Ten years before the events of the game, the Main Character, named Arisato Kazehana, one day got into a car accident and her parents died. ( ): ) In that bridge, there was robot fighting against something called Death, and since she couldn't defeat it, she sealed the last part of it inside the little child.

After ten years, she comes back and the SEES, an organization to fight shadows, notices her awareness of the Dark Hour is revealed and that she can summon multiple Personae into battle. Thanks to that, she becomes the Leader of the team and they go to explore Tartarus. (It has to be awesome that at night, your high school turns into a bizarre maze full of shadows.)

More people gets to join the SEES as time passes and they kick the Great Shadows' asses each full moon, believing that they will be able to stop the Dark Hour by doing that. One of the most special people in Kazehana's heart became Aragaki Shinjiro when he joins. They go and rank his Social Link out together and became really close.

During one of the Boss fights of a Full Moon mission, Shinjiro gets shoot by an organization called Strega. (D: No my boyfriend!) Thanks to a certain watch that she gave him, he manages to survive the two bullets on his chest, but he ends in a comma.

Not only that, also apparently killing those Great Shadows wasn't something that they should have done, and now Nyx will come and destroy the world. It is revealed that the Kirijo Corporation was attempting to do this ten years ago, but Nyx was released prematurely in a laboratory accident that also created the Dark Hour and Tartarus. Pretty nice, uh? Then Aigis went to stop it and you know the rest.

Dundundun! You get the chance to see Ryoji now. This boy is a teenage boy who tells her he is Death incarnate and that if they do not kill him by December 31, Nyx will come and kill them all and that. If they kill him, everyone will forget about the Dark Hour and when Nyx comes, she will end the world without anyone knowing it. Of course, she let him live and now in January 31 the party will face him as the Avatar and that.

So here we go, climbing the damned Tartarus again to stop Nyx now. Strega, that organization that killed her boyfriend (now with two members of three because Chidori did something with Jumpei and that, but let's not get into details), tries to stop the party. First it comes Jin, which gets his ass kicked and explodes with Shadows and laughing. Crazy child, let me tell you.

The second one, Takaya, is in a higher floor. The party arrives and kicks his ass, not finishing him off. Then, the party keeps going higher on the floors, but before arriving to the rooftop, Kazehana will end in another world.

In-Character Journal Sample (First person [TEXT] point-of-view or [ACTION] with dialogue, please):

[As soon as she notices the new place, she quickly stands up looking for an answer. She shouldn't be there.]

Hello...? What's going on here?! [Determinated to find an answer, she starts running to what it seems to be a door.] Excuse me! I need some information about what can I do to get back! [A sound of a monsters catches her interest.]

Who is there?! [A small Akuma appears.] Don't take me so lightly, Shadow! [Putting the Evoker in her head, she doesn't hesistate in using her persona.]


Possible Plans (What does your character plan to do once joining the Order? This does not count towards the overall application process):

After adapting to the cirmustances and learning about the world, she will fight for the Order and protect people while trying to wait for a time to go back to her world.

Character Reference Photo (Not mandatory if character if from a non-visual media):

*app, *ooc

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