Dec 15, 2007 00:33
I'm ashamed of myself because I'm not ashamed of my actions. I went to Zanni/Virgin/whatever the fuck it's called now and I bought.......Timbaland. And it gets worse (heehee)...Take That. I succumbed. And I love it.
It's scary though when even your own mother is ashamed of your music choices. She nearly screamed, "URBAN?!" at me. I suppose it's ok because I didn't buy it. She did. Muahahahahaha.
Today was her birthday and we went to Belfast and had like the best day ever. There's noone in the world like my mum for criticism company. Apart from Emma. But my mum has absolutely NO limit on her criticism, so I could say anything and she would try to muffle her laughter. We went in for 920 and had our breakfast, mmm soda. Nowt like it. And we had about 6 hours of constant slagging off, mockery etc. I'm cleansed.
Then we had a right laugh trying to cut out stars for labels for presents, her first try was a butterfly, mine was a wonky star which looked more like a rocket (I'm being creatively generous). We had to buy a gazillion packets of maltesters for dad's secret present: a crystal jar which we filled with them.
And then we all went for dinner to this place in Carrick where I ate new things and liked it. And talked about the wedding and me when I was a kid (apparently I met a friend of my mum's and asked her if she was a witch and when she threatened me I mocked her). It was a good night, but mum was obviously BITTER about the fact that her son is A GIANT POO. Daniel didn't even send her a text, not a card, not an anything. And she was still smarting from the wedding. She feels that he thinks she's not important, not worth his time. She's really hurt and I'm afraid I'm going to have to get all Charlotte Elizabeth on his ass (I love home truths to family members when you're in the clear...or practically clear) when he arrives next week if he doesn't have a spectacular belated plan. Wanker.
MMMMM! Bowie on proper fucking speakers man.
I sent my christmas cards today, well all except one, yeah that's you bitch.
When I asked Max for his address, he gave it to me straight away unexpectedly. I texted him back with something like "wow, that was fast...I'm used to getting suspicion or a fight for it" and he was like " first I thought why do you want it, and then i will she send me my christmas card otherwise?"
Have I mentioned recently that I love Max, unexpectedly he comes out with something which shows just how very scarily well he knows me. I invited him round for lunch and he invited me round for dinner. We were playing a game and he fucking won it. I love it when that happens. I also hate it. But it's such fun when ppl play along.
I need to exchange my mum's christmas present, I could see she wanted something else more.....but she wouldn't tell me cos it cost like £3 extra (WOW!!!!). And I need to get dad's. Which I will do after the fucking dentist kills my fucking face on monday and I go to the garden centre avec mum for lunch.
I translated Spanish last night. Better than my dad (*snigger*) and how many classes have I had? Nada. *grin*
KB got all clingy before I left, it was weird and scary. She was all "I'm going to miss you!" and more huggy than usual. I even got a hug from Tripod! The shock nearly fucking killed me. And they loved their presents. KB got scarily excited over her alarm clock....
I HAVE HP5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXTRA SCEEEEEEEEEEEENE! DRACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow I have to put up 3 trees. Well ok I have to put up 2, decorate 2, but sort out 3. Mine, the fake one and the real one. Oh and my little tiny one. Eeeeeeeeeeeheee. While listening to christmas carols and my dad's bad singing. Mum is going to haaaaate us.
We have a new fridge thing with an ice dispenser and water and it's very cool, I've become a fan of water in one day. It beeps and stuff. Yeah. And there's a light and crushed ice...I don't need much to be entertained.
Can't wait til Mikey gets here.