Nov 25, 2007 12:06
Awww, sometimes I should listen to my inner Charley, especially when she tells me that I'm going to fall off a stool before I even get near it. "Use a ladder!" She said, but I didn't listen.
I was trying to, at last!, change my light bulb which has been done for like 2 and a half weeks, so I was standing on my stool, wobbled...and fell. Unfortunately I got tangled with the stool on the way down and now it friggin hurts to walk on my left leg. There's a big purple bruise already on my right thigh, looks kinda nasty...And my right ankle is funny, like there's a huge invisible bruise which vibrates up my leg every time I put weight on it.
And now? Now I have to WALK to the library. Fan-fucking-tastic. Or technically limp-tastic. Buses are shite on sundays. And I reallllly need to start this crap essay.