Jan 14, 2010 23:04
Grah, it should be a law that noone can surprise me, I do really embarrassing stupid things. Like when Lurie surprised me on the stairs that time and I waved right in his face and he avoided me ever after. Or any time Gavin EVER spoke to me and I started yammering about ridiculous things with a twix hanging out of my mouth, going bright red. Or when I bumped into Trepanier in the street and yelled HELLO! in his face.
Tonight I went to play badminton with my dad and on the way out, was surprised when a familar face loomed out of the darkness and walked past. Before I could stop myself I had already reached out to tug on his jacket, even while I was reaching, I was cringing away with the realisation that Kris Porter would never remember who I was.
As a result, I was walking away before I'd even finished tugging only to hear the words: "Hey Charley, how're you doing?!" TOO LATE was the cry. I was already walking. And everyone knows once I'm walking away, I physically can't turn back around. So now he probably thinks I'm really rude.
Where is the retard? Here, I'm here. Tugging on people's arms then running away, yelling in people's faces, then shrinking back in humiliation, blabbering nervously about CRAP until the other person's expression changes to the dismay of realising they're talking to a crazy person.
Sigh. Back to Dan Brown and his retarded and incorrect Ancient Greek (although it makes me feel smug and superior so it's not all bad).
I need to play netball again.
Also, I worked out who Bekah was meeting tomorrow by making a calculated guess from her fb friends, I'm good.
today on my travels i saw