Day the second: 2nd day in BCN

Jan 03, 2010 00:41

So tired, about to go to bed but had a great day today despite awkward start with language barrier. There are 12 of us and out of that number 5 can´t speak Spanish (or Catalan), 2.5 can´t speak English and we were trying to mix and succeeding very well.

Monica I had already met, we discussed grammar in great detail in first year I remember. She still lives in Edinburgh but not for much longer. Marina is nervous about speaking English and so stuck to Spanish/Catalan for most (she´s the .5), although we found we had an interest in common when we discussed crystals.

Speaking of, there is a fucking ridiculously awesome crystal shop here, it´s jam packed full of them and I wanted to buy a giant raw Obsidian, but it would have sent the weight over in terms of luggage. Seriously hardcore crystals. I got me a fluorita owl and a piece of labrodorita which I had been looking to gather more of for some time and is going to be named either Caspar or Balthazar after the 3 kings festival in a few days. Must not buy any more!

We just caught the end of the magic fountain of Montjuic show which was music and huge fountains and water shows with different colours. Bad pictures were taken. Oh yeah and there was a funny moment inwhich I had to tuck Jowray´s napkin in like a bib because her hands were covered in fishy things. Now we´re proper bonded. Oh and Cirque du Soleil was mildly entertaining, the acrobatics were amazing, not so much on the juggling and the clappers/drummers.

I need more manchego. formatge! as I will have to say here. Cheese cheese cheese numnum.

I vaguely understood subjects when they were talking in Spanish today...and then they slipped into Catalan and I lost them completely.

Tomorrow is much walking on las ramblas, I want to take pictures of all the statue peeps.



bcn, crystals, holiday, cheese, jowray, fun and frolicks

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