Dec 09, 2009 00:26
Bahahaha, why am I such a child with arts and crafts? A couple of days ago I ACCIDENTALLY glued my hair to the table, today I glitter-glued my face ACCIDENTALLY. Almost cut my finger off with a stanley knife and had a nervous giggle-fit because i still had loads to do. Most of it involves gluing various body parts accidentally though. It's so much fun.
But on to serious buiness.
Someone has to speak out, someone has to stand up and say "this is wrong!!!"
Of course I am talking about Harry/Luna fanfic.
I don't know when it became popular, but why god, WHY did it?!!!! There is nothing mysterious, no unanswerable passion available in such a pairing, I plain DON'T GET IT. Luna's mental and would only really be a suitable fanon pairing for Blaise. OR Ginny. Because I hate Ginny, she's a pointless waste of fucking space and doesn't deserve a main-fic pairing.....well ok, sometimes she's good in a Blaise or Draco pairing. BUT Draco can pretty much go along with anyone. EXCEPT the giant squid and Dumbledore. I'm stlil scarred.
Moving away from that traitorous territory, but remaining on the subject of fanfic...
Does veelafic NOT exist anymore? There are so many depths to that to explore and noone is doing it! WHY. It's the best fucking plot device for HPfic. I love it, I'd devour it if it existed physically. People are still Hping it up on the sites, so why are they doing in such a mundane fashion? Noone cares about canon pairings, stop writing what's been officially written. It should be against the law to write Ginny/Harry, Hermione/Ron, Remus/Tonks, Lily/James, and just because it's gross: Ron/Harry. It's incest at it's worst. No wait, I can't use that as an insult, it's bromance at it's worst, using the previous statement OFFENDS well written incest (WINCEST<3 et TWINCEST<3). This also means ficcers cannooooot write Xena/Gabrielle, or Wendy/Peter, or Buffy/Spike, or Arwen/Aragorn, or Clark/Lana, Jean/Wolverine orrrr maybe even Max/Logan. It offends reason when they do. If I wanted those pairings i would just rewatch Xena, Peter Pan, Lord of the Rings, Smallville, Xmen, Dark Angel. One giant hole in that arguement is OFCOURSE Jareth/Sarah. But I back myself up with the fact that nothing HAPPENS in the film. Muhaaha. In all of those examples I'd rather read Ares/Joxer (or Cupid/Strife), Hook/Wendy, Spike/Xander, Glorfindel/Erestor, Lex/Chloe, Wolverine/Rogue (or Wolverine/Nightcrawler), and Max/Alec. Just thinking about them make me grin with deviancy. Well, not deviancy for most of them, which is the awesome thing about fanfic. Judgement only comes with ridiculously gross pairings. Like Hagrid/Snape mpreg (I mean really, what the fuck?!), and Dobby/Dubledore (so disturbing).
I wish people were still writing Xenaverse fanfic. It makes me sad that out of sight means out of mind for alot of the pop fic. SAYING THAT there will be a giant influx of fucking awesome fic this time next year, depending on how much of the book is in the first film. There will be Harry/Bill, probably threesomes (bleh) with Fleur, gross yucky Ron/Hermione/Harry triangles no doubt, Snape/Lily. BUT more importantly: Hermione/Bella, Snarry post hogwartsfic, Drarry, so much of it, Dumbledore/Grindelface, Lucius/Narcissa post war, and why god, why...there will probably be horrible pairings with all the kids. ALL THE WRONG ONES. All the cutesy ones. Instead of Scorpius/Albus and Rose or Lily/Teddy. Lots of people don't like to slide the boundaries a bit about family (even though they're not related!) and yaoi. I say PISH to that. No boundaries in my fanfic please. I can just decide not to read it if I see something hideously gross in the description, like a Harry/Pansy Draco/Seamus friendship fic. AVOID.
Hey, I'm not fussy. I just like a bit of angsty dominance in my fic, IS THAT SO WRONG?! Snarry <3, Drarry, Dremus, Dramione, Drinny, Dron, Snupin <3, Lucione (seriously, that ellision doesn't work), Larry (heehee Hucius? Bahaha), Snermione <3, see that's alot of pairings! Now I want to read it even more, knowing that there are no fresh reads of my pairings out there at this moment. :-(
Why does it always rain on me travis?
project chingmas,
peter pan,