Jun 29, 2008 16:10
A BRIGHT SPOT IN MY DAY! Lars is dead. Fina-fucking-lly.
So I was unimpressed with being woken at 543 this morning by Lars messing about in my room, but as I'd only gone to sleep at 3am, I merely shook a fist in the vague direction of across the room and went back to sleep. When he woke me again at 10, at 12 etc...I was pissed off. And thinking "how could you be in my room and not have been caught by one of my stategically placed traps?! You utter unconsiderate bastard!" Mayhap I spoke too soon (insert evil laughter here).
Had it been dark I would have been freaked out and angry, as it was I was just confused as to why Lars was skittering about my room when it was completely light and also "what the fuck could he possibly be doing in here, seeing as there is no foooooood!" But I forgot the food on the traps ofcourse. So while I was just dozing, thinking about things I shouldn't be thinking about, I heard this slight snap (I thought I'd heard one much earlier in the day- but shrugged that one off as wishful thinking), followed by a scrabbling noise.RIGHT NEXT TO MY EAR. So I was like "SHIT SHIT SHIT,what?" And then I looked under my bed and suuuuuuure enough there was (and still is because I haven't moved him yet) Lars all dead and rather large for a mouse. Mr Led-us-on-a-merry-fucking-chase-for-a-couple-of-weeks. Good news for Aine when she gets back.
Of course there could be more. But at least we got Lars.