Title: Lies
Length: 29/?
Author: Anim22
Rating: Pg13 (Pg - R)
Genre: Drama, angst, AU- m-preg
Pairing: Jae/Yunho, Jae/Yoochun, Junsu/Yoochun,
Summary: Yunho arrived on time for his brother’s wedding. He wanted to know about this mysterious guy that had made his brother fall head over heels in love with him.
But when he arrived, his brother had committed
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Just when Jae is having a better life....stupid asshole Junsu has to do something to him and it's not even his fault. It's Yoochun's idea!!!
Junsu that bastard!! I hope the plan backfired and he's the one who got poured with the acid in the end! @@#$#$$%%%!!!
Gah!! You give me high blood pressure everytime I read this. Let's hope you didn't induce any heart attack in me after the fic is done T__________________T
Junsu you asshole!!!!! I pray that karma will come biting you like a bitch and you will end up in hell!!!! @##$%^&**&^%$$#@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Anim ah, who is the one with the ask anything card again????
My lips are sealed.
You are so right, Yoochun instigated this, he has no idea what Junsu is capable of. He will regret his decision very soon.
Breathe dear chloe, breathe^^. Don;t worry I love Jae with all my heart so......maybe.
Don;t worry Junsu will suffer at the end, he will get what he deserves.
I thought it was you. You have the "ask anything card".
Perfect time to use it....right^^. So far you haven;t use it yet.
Ahhh.....I thought I am the one too with the card too but I can't remember correctly. And in case I'm not the one, I don't want to voice it out and make you feel like I'm backing you into corners to give it to me, heh ^^
hehehe, I can use it now? Of course, I understand that the question have to be in private so I won't give out the plot to anyone right?
I'll be waiting^^.
Since I already told Chloe that she could aske me something, hope you don't mind sharing it with her. You can both think of the question and I'll be glad to answer.
I would not want any bastards touching Jae (without our permission, of course).
And definitely, no raping of Jae is allowed in this story, you hear that missy. This is a NO...so make sure you keep Jae safe. And not forgetting the baby...who is innocent.
I think both Chloe and myself need to see a doctor after this....for stress and high-blood pressure.
Don;t worry for Jae, I love him too so I won't hurt him...............too much^^.
I am prepare to pay the bill, especially with things to come.
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