Right Place, Right Time - Part 3

Aug 04, 2008 10:38

Title: Right Place, Right Time
Dejan Stankovic, Julio Cruz,


This episode features:
Hernan Crespo, Esteban Cambiasso,  Santiago Solari, Nico Burdisso, and Javier Zanetti 


Rating: R for situation
Disclaimer: I don't know any of these people, and the following is all fiction.

Previous parts: 1, 2

Part 3:
The next event is a Gala at a posh hotel…
[Everyone is dressed in a suit and tie, mingling with the guests. Julio is at the refreshments table when Deki joins him.]
D:        Mmm…tasty.
J:          Yeah, the food is great.
D:        I was talking about you!
J:          *scoffs* What a line!
D:        How about this one: Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
J:          *laughs under his breath*
D:        So? Am I getting through to you? *squeezes Julio’s shoulder*
J:          *mutters* Shhh, not in front of everyone!
D:        *mutters, pretending to be interested in the food* OK, look: I already checked it out. Come up the stairs behind you - don’t look now - and the second door on your left is unlocked. I’ll be there. *normal voice* You’re right, Julio, these crabcakes are fantastic! *walks away with his plate*
 J:         *resists the urge to look back*
[Deki puts the plate down on a table by the base of the stairs and climbs up the steps.]
J:          *not sure how long to wait before following Deki* [thinks: Maybe I shouldn’t even go…] *turns around and finds Cuchu there* Oh!
Cuchu: I need your advice.
J:          *looks toward the staircase* On…?
C:        *mumbles* Hernán.
J:          What was that? *looks at Cuchu*
C:        *moves closer, low voice* I think he’s giving me looks…how should I respond?
J:          This is a hotel! You can do whatever you want and no one will ever find out!
C:        Really? *glances back*
J:          Sure! *pats Cuchu’s back* See you later. *walks toward the stairs*
* * *
Upstairs, inside the room, a little later...
[Julio and Deki are in bed.]
J:          Let me lock the door, Deki. I keep thinking somebody’s going to come in.
D:        OK, I can’t have you distracted. *smirk*
J           *gets up and wraps the bed sheet around his waist*
[Julio has not reached the door yet when it opens and Hernán and Cuchu walk in, chatting and laughing together. Everybody freezes when they see the others.]
C:        *Open-mouthed*
Hernán:*looks at Julio with the sheet around his waist* Um…wrong room. *pulls Cuchu away*
J:          *closes and locks door; walks back to bed*
D:        Don’t be embarrassed, they won’t tell.
J:          *indignant* I wasn’t embarrassed!
D:        *softly strokes J’s cheek* Your cheeks give you away.
J:          *frowning, clutching the sheet*
D:        *puts an arm around Julio’s shoulder and pulls him in* Come on, someone as hot as you shouldn’t worry this much!
J:          Hmph!
D:        Seriously, I think you raised the room temperature by two degrees just by walking in! *observes Julio’s reaction closely*
J:          *grip on sheet loosens; brows untie*
D:        *fans self* I think I’m melting, with you this close…You smiled!
J:          All right, stop it! *slaps Deki’s arm with the back of his hand*
D:        Now, do you have something to say to me?
J:          *rolls eyes* You’re hot too, Deki! *slight smile*
D:        That was all I needed to hear! *grin*

Meanwhile, downstairs…
[Santi approaches Pupi and Nico]
S:         Javi, have you seen Julio?
Pupi:    He was here a minute ago. Go ask Cuchu, I think he saw him last.
S:         *looks around* But Cuchu’s not here either!
P:         *looks around too* You’re right! Come to think of it, Deki’s disappeared too!
Nico:   *mutters* Maybe they’re having their own “Gala”! It’s got to be more fun than this one! *shakes head*
S&P:    *turn their heads and stare at Nico*
N:        What?! *throws hands up in the air*


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