A Little Longer (One-shot)

Oct 26, 2008 23:34

Author: Ani
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Chiitaro…kuku…big surprise…
Rating: PG
Word Count: 837…WHUT’S WRONG WITH ME??? *bangs*
Notes: Wow…I’m finally back with a fic 3 weeks later…wait…I DIDN’T POST A FIC FOR 3 WEEKS???? MAJI??!?! O.O MINNA GOMEN!!!! *bows* I barely realized this…XDD;;; *stabs school* Too…much…work…*cries* Anyway…this is the fic that I promised Aiko aiko103 for her birthday that was…erm…also 3 weeks ago…I’M SORRY IT’S SO LATE!!!!! T______T I must try to stay on top of birthdays better. AND YES!! FOR ONCE! SHINTARO DIDN’T SNEAK-Oh wait…he did…crap…WHY THE HECK DO I KEEP MENTIONING SHINTARO IN CHITIARO FICS???? *stabs* WHUT’S WRONG WITH ME????
Disclaimer: THERE WAS LIKE…NO CHIITARO…IF ANY…IN THE DECEMBER SCANS!!!! *stabs some more* WHYYYYY DAI-CHAN??? WHY MUST BE AN OBSTACLE IN THE WAY OF MY CHIITARO???? T______T So…what are the chances of Chiitaro showing up on tomorrow’s radio show? *sniffles*

Chinen cupped his hands together and brought them up to his face. He rubbed them against each other in an attempt to unfreeze them. Every time he breathed out, he could see a white fog being released. A small wind blew, making flakes of snow swirl around him. He shivered, and no wonder; the only thing keeping him warm was a thin, old sweater and a small scarf that wasn't really doing its job.

Leaning back against the wall, he sank to his knees, careful to not actually sit on the ice-covered ground, and curled himself into a tight little ball in order to conserve body heat. As he adjusted his scarf so that it could cover his nose, he frowned, finding it hard to move his fingers. He had forgotten to bring mittens out with him when he left home that morning and now they were effectively numb.

Something cold and wet fell on his eyes, making him blink. Looking up, he saw soft balls of snow drifting down from the cloud-covered sky.

He sighed out, blowing into his hands so they wouldn't be too paralyzed. A light went on behind him, and the front door of the house opened. He stood up and turned as the crunch-crunch noise of someone's footsteps approached him.

His face automatically broke into a smile. "Ryu-!"

"Baka, what are you doing out here?" his boyfriend asked, almost angrily as he wrapped a large scarf over his small, flimsy one.

"Waiting for you..." Chinen mumbled quietly as his voice was muffled by the scarf. Ryutaro's tone was making him feel guilty.

His heart rate sped up as Ryutaro took his cold hands into his own and began rubbing them gently.

"Your hands feel frozen..." Ryutaro muttered. "You don't need to turn yourself into an icicle for me."

"I'm not." Chinen stuck his tongue out, even though he knew he was lying and knew Ryutaro knew him well enough to know he was. "It's because you wouldn't answer any of my calls-"

"My phone died," Ryutaro defended himself without looking up.

"Or my text messages-"

"Dead phone, remember?"

"And when I called your house-"

"Shintaro won't stop talking to Taiga."

"You don't talk to me at school, either." Chinen knew he had nailed him there. "Ryu-kun..." His voice quivered slightly. "Are you mad at me?"

The younger boy's eyes widened and was about to say something when Chinen sneezed and shivered as another wind rustled the trees. Ryutaro grabbed his hand and quickly led him into his house before the smaller boy caught a cold.

"Go take a shower." Ryutaro shoved a pair of pajamas into Chinen's hands before shoving his self into the restroom.

"Uwaah!" Chinen stumbled in, nearly tripping over over a towel lying on the floor. "Mou~ you don't have to be so pushy!" He pouted, turning in time to see Ryutaro rolling his eyes before closing the door. But right before the door closed, he could've sworn there was a ghost of a smile on the younger boy's face.

Chinen came back out half an hour later, wearing the borrowed pajamas that were slightly too big for him. He went back to Ryutaro's room and jumped onto his bed, bouncing slightly out of boredom. He scanned the empty room, wondering where the younger boy disappeared off to. An article of clothing, lying abandoned on the floor, caught his attention.

He picked it up and brought it back to the bed, recognizing it as a jacket Ryutaro had been wearing more and more, ever since the weather began turning colder. He buried his face into it, taking comfort from the soothing scent he was inhaling.

"What are you doing?" Chinen blinked with surprise. Apparently Ryutaro had came back while he had been distracted.

"Nothing..." he mumbled, his voice muffled by the jacket. Ryutaro sat down close next to him, patting his head.

"Your hair feels really soft after you blow dry them." The comment, and the feeling of the younger boy's fingers running through his hair, made Chinen blush and hug the jacket even tighter as he hid his face into it.

Ryutaro pulled Chinen onto his lap, gently tugging the jacket away. As Chinen blinked at him inquisitively, the younger boy leaned forward to place a light kiss on him. Chinen happily kissed him back, this time hugging Ryutaro instead.

"I'm not mad at you..." Ryutaro murmured, answering his question from earlier. "I just feel like you've been really busy lately...too busy...and I didn't want to bother you and make things worse..."

Chinen smiled to himself. "Baka, the only thing that'll bother me is if you keep avoiding me." He snuggled up against the younger boy. "Don't do that anymore, ne?"

"I won't." Ryutaro wrapped his arms around Chinen's waist, smiling as he laid his head on the older boy's shoulder so they were cheek-to-cheek.

"Ryu-kun, you're so warm," Chinen sighed softly after some time. He wanted to be like this...just him and Ryutaro...for a little while longer.
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