Damn, I wish I could be a ninja

Dec 09, 2005 22:20

Ninjitsu seems to be the way to go these days, and it doesn't just apply to the Japanese, nor their history. The original jobs of ninjas were to get information on the enemies of their lords without the enemies even knowing that such a thing had happened. They would disguise themselves as normal people without the prestigious jobs of serving under a member of the Japanese government's elite. Such people as merchants, shopkeepers, etc. that were often patronized by the enemy of the lord they served.

Sometimes these ninjas would be supervisors of subordinates to the ninja's lord, just to make sure they're doing things right. Ninjas know just how to become shadows of people and gather information about them, for the good of others. And with this information, can the lord make a more educated decision on whether the subordinate is a loyal one, or they must pay closer attention to them, or even take action against their wrong doings, if such events occur. In the case of the ninja's target being an enemy, not only is he (or she for the matter that there were few female ninjas, but they did in fact exist) able to apply incredibly stealthy tactics to gather information about the enemy's intentions and strategy, but also in the arts of combat should the ninja's presence be realized.

Yeah, this may all be educational for you if you have interest in Japan, or ninjas, etc. But it can still to this day be used for good purpose. I'm not saying that one should hide in the trees, or another place well hidden, and stalk the person in question, instead disguise your intentions. Girls do this all the time. You could meet someone and they have a shield up to protect themselves from you, the new person to them, and you could get the idea that they are a certain way. The fact could be that they are not that way, they are merely disguising their personality at that time to draw things out of you (gather information about you) to find out perhaps what makes you tick, or say they like things that you like to show they like you, or to get a reaction out of you; and what kind of reaction you have, etc. I could go into possibilities of what people do in personality disguises, and all that stuff forever, and please feel free to argue with me, I love to gather information on people (jk, ha ha ha).

There are SOOOO many ways that ninjas could be deployed these days. I think the only flaw of not deploying yourself instead is possibility of mixed up information. However, one way that a ninja could be deployed is already being done in my generation, probably worldwide, is a good friend going to check out (gather information about, but unfortunately also gather their OWN opinion about) a person that the other friend would like to date. Stopping by his/her workplace, school, or neighborhood and talking to them about things such as likes/ dislikes, and so on .....gathering information.

Some do it in plain clothes (meaning as themselves, people that the target already knows). These are of course, the friends that are already known by the target, or policemen in uniform, the specialists hired by a big Johnny Corporate company to inspect work ethic, etc. All of these plain clothed people report back to someone, and tell them of the information they gathered about the target.

There are other ninjas who are professionals such as the policemen, and specialists just mentioned. Detectives wear disguises, take on personalities, behaviours, and new threads just to get closer to a criminal, and protect us from the currently dangerous people of the area. They are as close as it gets in America to being a ninja without practicing the art of ninjitsu, for as ninjas of feudal Japan, they are faced with dangerous adversaries that will harm them in their true intentions were revealed.

The unknown friend of the target's admirer doesn't face such a dangerous target in a physical state of being, but more of a mental state considering the object of this mission is gather information of compatability of the target with the admirer. This too can be considered ninjitsu without truly being ninjitsu. The friend is not wearing a disguise, they are merely themselves, though they are unknown to the target of the relation to the admirer, they nonetheless are gather information for the benefit of the admirer.

Either of the two, of MANY examples to be written about at a later date, can take a long time before the gathering is sufficient and the modern ninja's mission has been completed. Since people are complicated creatures, it isn't rare to require quite a few meetings with someone before you come to the conclusion of what to do with them. In the detective's case, how should they go about putting the target behind bars, or if not, are they truly innocent and the detective either gathered or received some wrong information about the target? Detectives are supposed to be the sharpest people on the force to figure this out, our non-ninjitsu studying American ninjas. The friend, seeking information on the compatibility of a potential date, or mate for the friend they know so damned well, will surely be checking the pros and cons of whether the friend should date this person or not.

I like to think of myself as a person who enjoys subtle differences in people, and if I like a characteristic about someone, or another culture, I'll try to make it a part of me if I think it'll be to my benefit, or of others to do so. If there are things about myself that I think should change, I look to how others perceive it, if I can't figure it out on my own. And learning about others really opens my mind to other lifestyles and cultures. I think I'm getting pretty sharp at seeing through people, and their diguises, when they wear them.

Beware of the ninja(s) that have been deployed on you, when applicable. It would be nice if everyone were to be completely honest, but since we're human, we gotta gather information on our targets; enemy or a simply intriguing person. Deploy ninjas of your own, it's quite interesting how people act when around certain people. Even best friends act differently when a third person is around; it may be subtle but it is indeed different.

If a ninja needs to be deployed, but you're not so sure how to do about it, let me know. I'm not necessarily an expert when it comes to the field, though I do know enough to be able to post this, and I can apply ninjitsu to nearly anything. If you need information gathered, I will be your Jounin.
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