Jun 22, 2007 19:15
All the Se7en Survey.
A) Name 7 celebrities that you will approach if you meet outside.
1. AIR: Jean-Benoit Dunckel
2. AIR: Nicholas Godin
3. KENT: Joakim Berg
4. Natascha St. Pier
5. Tyra Banks
6. Kate Middleton
7. Audrey Tautou
B) Name 7 celebrities that you will not bother to approach if you meet outside.
1. Paris Hilton
2. Hilary Duff
3. Prince William
4. Naomi Campbell
5. Mariah Carey
6. Carrie Underwood
7. Britney Spears
C) Name 7 songs that you would want to be played on your Wedding Day.
1. AIR: Once Upon A Time
2. AIR: J'ai Dormi Sous L'Eau
3. AIR: Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi
3. AIR: New Star In The Sky
4. AIR: Le Voyage De Penelope
5. Natascha St Pier/Pascal Obispo: Tu Trouveras
6. The Scorpions: Here In My Heart
7. Dana Glover: It Is You(I Have Loved)
D) Name 7 things that your partner do can make you cry.
1. When he will finally say, I am his...forever
2. When he will finally write a love letter to me =)
3. When he will finally propose
4. When he first holds and kisses our newborn child(ren)
5. If he says he hates me
6. If he tells me, I dont make him happy
7. If he tells me, Im not the one for him
E) Name 7 things that you will spend on and never get enough of.
1. Things for my loved ones
2. AIR things
3. Bags
4. Clothes
5. Shoes
6. Travel
7. Food
F) Name 7 places you would like to visit.
1. Germany (again!!)
2. Switzerland
3. Paris (Visited)
4. New Zealand (again)
5. Turkey
6. Mongolia
7. Japan
G) Name 7 things that you think love is.
1. Pasta
2. Seeds
3. Flowers
4. Music
5. Sphere
6. My Heart
7. My Soul
H) Name 7 ways for a long-lasting relationship.
1. Trust in the relationship
2. Don't stop dating even after marriage
3. Physical touch
4. Be childish with each other!
5. Effective Two-Way Communication
6. Listen before talking
7. Reasoning
I) Name 7 quotes that you love.
1. "I'm a little boy, you're a little girl"
2. "Your tummy is so cute! I love it and I love you!"
3. "Love is like pasta. It must be al-dente"
4. "Night Sight"
5. "Never lose that physical touch and the art of communicating - after marriage"
6. "Love is contagious when its alright"
7. "His passion is a kiss and I cannot resist"