Oct 12, 2009 00:07

Now I have three avatars connected to chocolate. Am I obsessed?

Since I'm too lazy to do a photo post maybe some recent spam from my photobucket.

Sketch for a picture that I'm actually quite proud of:

click for bigger

...especially of the spoon 8D No, really, wtf, why my OC Czekolada is always the one that comes out good. And this picture wasn't even planned. Usually I need to think about what I want to draw for some time to make it good.

my recent gaia avi

Klody's avi character from some website made quite out of random. I was browsing Art Whore guild on gaia and found this picture:

Topsy Kretts
by ~nosredna1313 on deviantART
I had to get inspired xD

not yet published on dA commission

and for the end my reaction to len_yan's stupid talking about her art
(yes, fb's farmville)

that was some friends page stretching, I did it on purpose because I'm bored or something.

art - sketches, original, blah, art - details, art

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