Jan 16, 2011 18:37
Said that I wouldn't post much here, but since I have an outlet, why not.
I am Pissed at the administrators at my college right now. First, back when I found out I was actually able to go, they don't send a letter like normal. Nooo. Instead, I get a call from one of the administrators saying "Oh, we decided today, after letting you know nothing but wait-listed for the past 4 months, that you ARE accepted. Sorry its all last minute, but you have to do these 500 things monday, or you won't be allowed in. Happy Friday, and have a good weekend."....
THEN, after all that, I'm finally here, get through my first semester, and, not surprisingly, I fell a little short of the standard line. So, they tell me, one week before classes start again, "Oh, you're on academic suspension, and you can't take more then 14 credit hours. Sorry."
I had 16 credit hours, bought all my books, figured everything out back in November, and you send a letter that I get on January 3rd that says I HAVE to drop one of my classes!!!! What the fuck is wrong with these people!!!! At least give me more then a weeks notice on ANYTHING!!!!!!
Thank you, and all administrators can go fuck themselves.