Mar 08, 2007 02:22
alright. what now. job is going well. friday night i start graveyard. 10p to 8:30a. lets see how that goes. school is ok. i go and try to retain information. doesnt always get through, but a good part of it does. i have a damn twitch in my eye. its not from lack of sleep or stress, i think there is something wrong. theres a strange spot on the inside of my eyelid. dont know what to do about that. i dont have health insurance, not until may 1st. and um..i just hope my eye doesnt like fall out before then. or whatever.
so i'm looking for a place to live. in modesto. yup. you know, each time you take a step its expected to go on to the next. i guess i'm ready. who knows really. my cousin was applying to grad schools, and well so far she's been rejected from ucla and berkeley. bummer. i dont get it, she's so so so smart and like model student, honor society, president of the psychology organization thing at school. double major in english and psychology. she's so bummed and lost right now. shes waiting to hear from davis. those were the three grad programs she applied to. i hope she gets it. even though ucla was her first choice, i hope something she wants works out for her. she deserves it.
lets see its just about 4am. i havent slept yet. i want to go to sleep, but i'm trying to get myself on a schedule for work. i dont think its gonna work this morning. i might take a nap. i'll get used to it eventually. i want to be up around 730 so i could go for my morning jog. lol. i've gone twice this week which is more than i've done since november when i quit my gym membership. i've been a major fattie lately. i feel totally gross. but whatever.
now its almost five. i want to go to sleep. my eye keeps twitching. damn it. i had an epic post to make. but now i dont feel like it. the epic may be a handwritten one because i really hate this keyboard.