Sketchbook Project Update 2

Jan 20, 2011 20:51

I've finished my sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project, and it's already on its way to NY. In fact, it's likely already been delivered. It feels really good to be finished with it. A lot of work went into the book, and I have a great sense of accomplishment. I can't wait until the show comes to DC!

All in all there are about 40 pages in the book. Sadly I forgot to scan one of the pages, but luckily I took a video of the whole book.

I'll share a couple of my favorites here, but if you want to see them all, it's probably easier to check them out on flickr or facebook.

If you want more details about the various drawings, I wrote about the inspiration behind them and the process of making them on my art blog. I had to split it into two final posts because there was so much to say, so check out "Update 6" and "Update 7" if you visit my other blog!

sketchbook, 2011, sketchbook project

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