I have an Otto draped across my lap and there is a cricket chirping at a really high and fast rate which is driving me nuts. My mom is already in bed, and I thought about going to bed early, but then had ideas of other wonderful things I could do like scan in some art, update the blog(s), check out facebook, maybe watch a little tv and then do some sketching and go to bed way too late. I suppose you could say things are as they should be. Finally back to normal.
My aunt and her son left earlier this week, about 3 weeks ahead of their scheduled departure date. There was lots of drama over the three weeks that they were here, and all in all it was an exceedingly challenging situation. One of the consequences was that I ended up staying up until 3 or 4am every night and sleeping until at least noon, just to avoid them as much as possible. Although I had quiet time at night, it wasn't exactly productive time. As a result I feel like I've been crazy busy lately, but that I'm also way behind on certain things.
However, now that they are gone, things are starting to normalize, and I'm looking forward to getting back on a more regular schedule, challenging though it may be.
I'm looking forward to working out again (the guest room is also the room where the elliptical machine and my work out videos live) and to waking up earlier and going to bed earlier.
Among other things, I have been working on art lately, but I haven't found the energy or time to scan and upload any of it.
Today I finally decided to do it, and of course I discovered that my scanner bed is only about 8.5x11.75 inches, and I've been using 9x12 paper lately. Oh well. Most of what I've done can be trimmed down a bit without losing any of the art, so I'll get to that this weekend. I was able to scan one small piece of art: my drawing for the the next theme in the Creativity Boot Camp, "full bodied".
I started out with a very different image in mind, but the drawing evolved as I was working on it. I'm not sure how well it represents the "full bodied" them, but I like it anyway. It reminds me of a dream catcher.