Last Minute

Aug 01, 2009 19:37

I got home last night at 4am, so you can imagine that I'd be tired and need a nap at noon since I woke up at 9am to my brother and his friend coming in the house to get a tent.

Last night I met up with jesnie and our friend Evlyn. We had dinner and wine at Ev's house, then beer and dancing at DC9. It was really fun and more crowded than I ever remember it being. I wondered why we don't go there more often, as I'm sure I wonder every time we go.

So I was back to bed around noon and I slept til 4pm; a little longer than I wanted to, but I shook off the after-nap grogginess and got right to work.

I watered the flowers outside, fed the dogs and cat, roasted red peppers and froze them, prepared 5 days of portioned out dog food, prepared the cats food and water out in the garage to last him 5 days, cut up and froze some meat, pitted and froze 6 pounds of cherries, started 2 loads of laundry.

If I still have steam after I finish the laundry and packing, I'm going to peel some peaches and freeze those too.

Why am I doing this? Last minute road trip, of course.

mercurialdawn called me up yesterday and told me, "Pack your bags, we're leaving Sunday." I'm sure there were more details wrapped up in that statement. After I got the ok from my brother that he'd watch the dogs, I knew I had a lot of work to get ready. There was so much fresh stuff in the fridge that would go bad if I left it sitting there while I'm gone, so I'm glad most of that work's done.

We are going to Boston and to NY (Niagra Falls and NYC), and we'll be back Thursday night.

I'm so excited about this, I can hardly stand it. Except that I can, because I've found that anticipation of events is something to enjoy.

yay roadtrip!

dc9, dancing, busy, road trip, friends, late, food

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