Early Morning Walk

Jul 18, 2009 07:44

I managed to stay up until 10pm last night in my attempt to conquer jet lag. I fell asleep the moment I hit the pillow though, and was wide awake this morning at 6am. Yesterday I crashed around 2 pm, but managed to make it a relatively short nap of 2.5 hours. I felt totally wobbly and woozy yesterday. It was funny.

Since I woke up so early, I decided to feed the dogs. They didn't quite catch on at first, wondering why I was feeding them so early, but eventually they got the picture.

After their breakfast we went for a walk. It's an absolutely gorgeous morning; cool and dewy with a high carpet of soft silvery clouds that the blue sky peeks through at regular intervals. Our neighborhood is in its full summer lushness with big green trees and manicured lawns with lots of flowers. The horses were out (including the one with blue eyes) munching on grass, and the people who own them have recently gotten some goats. They were in a sectioned off area toward the back of the lot, but I spied maybe 8 or 10 of them back there.

I was so proud of Kasi; after some initial excited pulling, she actually quieted down and didn't pull too much on the rest of the walk! I even let her off the leash a few yards from our new fence gate with the idea of her walking that way on her own; she veered to the left and I was worried she was off, but instead she just went right to the front door! Good dog! I think she just didn't like the wet grass.

I'm going to meet up with drunknmatchmakr and mercurialdawn today for lunch and maybe a movie if I can stay awake. I'm very excited about this. I plan to blow dry my hair and maybe even put on some mascara.

kasi, home, jet lag, otto, early, dachshund, walk

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