Art and Clipped Dog

Jun 25, 2009 23:07

I can't believe it's already Friday. More than that, I can't believe jesnie actually arrives this Sunday night!

It's strange, perhaps because my time here is drawing to a close, but for the first time today, I found myself feeling really comfortable here, and feeling surprised that it's coming to an end. I'm not exactly sad that it's coming to an end, but part of me could see myself hanging out here for a while longer, at the same time that I can see myself happily returning to MD. I suppose ambivalence isn't a new feeling for me, especially when something is coming to an end. I'm just trying to stay as present to the moment as possible.

I've been doing a bit more art. My brother dug up a big pad of sketch paper for me, and I did a big watercolor painting to loosen myself up for a smaller more "official" painting I was getting ready to start. The logic makes sense to me.

In the end I like the above painting better than the "official" one I did after.

I've been continuing my routine of walking the dogs by myself this week. Although John is back, he's still really jet lagged, and in no mood for exercise. I don't blame him, and I kind of like being out in the wilderness by myself.

Whenever I take the dogs for a walk, we have to drive down a small side street to get to the main road. There is a little white dog, and usually one other that ALWAYS rush at my truck to bark at Ume and Shelly in the back (very few people here fence in their dogs, let alone, you know, take care of them and treat them decently--don't get me started). I'm very careful to roll through at a crawl, but yesterday i think the little dog just didn't move away fast enough or something, because at one point i heard him yelp and whine as he hopped away with one of his front paws raised up. It didn't feel like i hit him--no bump or impact--but obviously something happened, and I feel so bad still.

I really hope he'll be ok.

saipan, dog, art

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