Stomach Flips

Jun 10, 2009 21:01

A few things have got me feeling anxious.

This is not a very fun or nice post, and maybe it's even a little gross, so skip it if you feel you need to.

1. I have had an account with Provident Bank for years, and they recently merged with M&T Bank. At this point I'm not sure if my atm card will still work, or if I can pay my credit card bill online with my old account number. My mom's going to check on all of that for me tomorrow, but it still makes me nervous to think of inadvertently going into financial ruin while I'm on a little island in the middle of no where. Yeah, I'm being overly dramatic, but I haven't slept much lately.

2. I've had trouble sleeping lately. I am not at all sure why. I never have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, and lately I've been having trouble with both. I've been putting off laying my head down by drawing in my sketchbook every night because I know the moment I lie down, I won't be able to sleep anyway. I had some seriously weird/effed up dreams last night, and at one point I woke up at 2am feeling totally disoriented and out of it after a particularly vivid and icky dream. Lack of sleep + restless sleep + icky dreams = an anika on edge.

3. Because I'm more on edge lately from lack of sleep, I'm a lot more jumpy. Even loud noises make me jump and make my stomach lurch. When Shelly barks unexpectedly it makes me jump out of my skin. Just a moment ago someone stopped between my yard and the neighbors and yelled, "hey!" My stomach flipped around and did a few cart wheels before it settled back down. It did not feel good. In fact, in a weird way, it almost hurt. I feel suspicious and twitchy. Not a good feeling.

4. My mom mentioned that my dog Otto seems to be kind of sick. That he has a hurt paw and has been a listless eater lately, and today wasn't interested in eating at all and that she had to hand feed him a few morsels. This is the worst of my numbered items. She's going to take him to the vet tomorrow. If he has an infected foot, he might well need antibiotics, especially if it's affecting the rest of his system. I also want her to get heart worm meds for my dogs. I've had to take Shelly and Ume (my brother's dogs in Saipan) to the vet a couple times since I've been here, and when I'm in the exam room there are a couple of jars with pickled hearts in them that are infested with the worms. It freaks me out. Since it's such an easy thing to prevent I want my dogs to start taking the pills yesterday.

freaked out, nervous, saipan

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