Mangoes in Saipan

May 09, 2009 20:32

I just have a second to write this because it seems we are going on our early morning hike to Bird Island after all, but now it's the late morning hike to Bird Island. It was delayed because of the construction that's going on in the front yard. My brother was roped in to help get more aggregate and sand for the cement. On this hike I expect to sweat profusely and see some beautiful sights. I also hope to go swimming if the sun's not too strong.

Here's a beautiful sight for you:

These are the mangoes I gathered from the backyard. There are also papaya growing, and a big pomelo tree that's fruiting, although it might be a bit past it's prime. This is the only thing I've photographed so far because my camera batteries were nearly drained.

I'll try to write a proper post soon with more photos!

bird island, photos, hiking, saipan, mangoes

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