Sansa and Asterix and Obelix

Apr 30, 2009 19:14

I ran a few errands today. I'm having a fun bonfire party tomorrow, so I got organic hot dogs and organic buns at Trader Joe's. I also used a gift card that I've been hanging onto for just the right occasion. I bought a sansa clip. I would have liked to get the nifty silver one, but they only had the black at Best Buy. It's cute though, and I'm learning to love it.

I'd been looking at ipod shuffles because I'm a mac user, but I'm skeptical about the new shuffle since all the controls are on the ear bud cord, and I already have a nice set of earbuds that are comfortable and noise canceling. I really wanted to have a 4GB player vs. the 2GB that I could have gotten if I went with the older version of the shuffle which at least has the buttons on the body of the device.

mercurialdawn suggested the sansa clip. It's small and it has buttons and a screen (which really sold me) and it's only $60 at Best Buy. With my gift card, I only had to pay $20 for it!

The interface with the Mac is a little clunky which caused me some frustration early on, but I found an action script for iTunes that is helping calm my nerves. Honestly, I think it feels a little cheap and plasticky in my hand and the button squeaks, but the sound is good and the interface is really intuitive, so I'm happy.

There's still some stuff I have to figure out with it, but hopefully patience and the sansa forum will help me to succeed.

It's fun to have a new toy.

I'm still having fun with my new MacBook Pro. It's not totally set up, but it's getting there. I'm loving the virtual machine capabilities that let me run Windows XP within OSX. It's neat.

I got a bunch of new music, audio books and tv shows from my brother last night, as well as the entire collection of Asterix & Obelix in jpeg format.

I doubt anyone else following my friend's list has read these comics, but please surprise me if you have.

I was obsessed with these books when I was younger. Perhaps it's because I had 4 brothers who were into the series, and I liked everything my brothers liked. At some point my love for Asterix and Obelix surpassed theirs though. I read them over and over and over, often staying up way past my bedtime, just so I could finish the story. I drew the characters over and over and over. I was always on the prowl for new ones. Now that I have the whole collection, I see that there weren't too many new stories left to discover. I'm looking forward to reading the few new-to-me comics on the plane, particularly "Asterix Conquers America" and "Asterix and the Actress". With titles like those, I just know they are going to be good.

It kind of sunk in in a new and profound way that I'm leaving to spend a couple months on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in just 5 days! I suppose I should start actually tackling items on my to do list, rather than just making that list longer.

comics, errands, computer, music, toys

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