They just announced the location and dates of this year's Artomatic. I've been thinking about participating in the event for the last couple years, but wasn't enough "in the know" to realize that it was actually happening in 2008, so I missed registration. Which is ok; I probably wouldn't have been ready for it anyway. I did go to Artomatic twice in the same day last year. It was a lot of fun, and I dreamed about having my own wall to fill with whatever I could conjure up.
My thoughts about it this year were a little tentative at first, but it was more in that "don't look directly at it or it will disappear" way. By now, I've pretty firmly decided that I will participate this year, and the thought excites me quite a lot. I have zero items at this point that I could show, unless I did an exhibition of my sketchbooks (hey, maybe that's an idea?), but I'm not worried about producing stuff; I'm sure that I will have a nice set of works to show by the time the show comes around.
It's exciting. Yeah, I know, it's a mega-monster "everyone can participate" show, and I'm pretty sure you actually pay to be a part of the show, but it still thrilling, and will be the first time I've shown my work in public.
Well, I guess I should go work on my art. Here's a
link to the Artomatic website.