I suppose that almost everyone else is doing something more halloweeny than I am. I didn't do anything halloweeny at all this year. Well, I bought a couple of pumpkins a few weeks ago, so maybe that's not entirely true, but they were weird pumpkins, and not the kind you'd necessarily carve, so maybe that's just autumny of me.
Here are my pumpkins:
I don't have any candy for kids. Since I'm still hanging out with the anxious little dog, I can't answer the door anyway (plus it's not even my house!), so I turned off all the lights in the front, which I thought was the universal symbol for "we have no candy, scram!" but I still got a couple of hopeful knocks that I dutifully ignored.
This year I wasn't so sad to have an excuse to stay in. I really couldn't think of a cool costume, plus I haven't had the time to dedicate to making something or scouring the local goodwill. And after that crazy night where I got totally blitzed, I still have no desire to "party".
I'm sure there are a lot of other 20 somethings out there tonight that are having a lot more fun than I am; perhaps being naughty, perhaps being nice, but either way, Santa knows and HE'S WATCHING YOU, so be good, for goodness sake.
Turns out that I'm going to go down to San Jose for Thanksgiving after all. I can't afford the ticket at this time, so my brother graciously offered to cover it for me, and I graciously accepted. I'm actually looking forward to going down there and hanging out with all of them. My sister-in-law's mom and step dad are going to be there too, so it should be an interesting mix.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do for Christmas. So far staying in Portland looks like "it" but I never know what will pop up.
Matt and Steph came over for a little while since they were in the neighborhood. They brought me a caramel apple. Matt was in costume. I'm not exactly sure what he was, but he was wearing cut-off jeans shorts that were so short you could see the pockets sticking out the bottom. He also had on a terrible mullet wig. Overall the affect was quite hilarious.
They are gone now, and it's still Halloween for another 4 minutes here. I think I'll make some tea and eat the rest of my caramel apple and let November arrive quietly.