Random Thoughts

Oct 24, 2008 11:35

Remember how my mom got us up at 4am to go to the expo? Well, the night before she was flying home, my roommate said to us, "Don't get up at 4am again!" and I jokingly said, "who knows maybe we'll get up at 3!"

And so we did. At least this time I was just planning to roll out of bed and drive her to the airport, so I was able to go right back to sleep, but I thought it was kind of funny.

I really missed my mom the rest of that day and the next. I had rented the car for an extra day, so I drove out to the coast on Monday and had an interesting afternoon by myself. It was perfect in some ways, and less than perfect in others. I'd say the less than perfect part was lunch. It was a disappointing grilled ham and cheese sandwich. The bread was really hard and dried out, and they grilled it with the tomatoes and lettuce inside, so it was kind of all wilted and sloppy. The french fries were probably good--huge slices out of huge potatoes, but the bread had already hurt my mouth, and the fries were so hot that it was overall a difficult meal to eat.

My walk on the beach was fantastic though. I'm discovering a new hobby--rock collecting. Maybe it's my dad's influence (he was a geologist and I'm sure he'd know what all the rocks I've collected are, but I'm pretty clueless), or maybe I've just been places lately that actually have interesting looking rocks. Either way, it's quite addictive.

I've been reading again. Some wild metaphysical ideas based on quantum physics. It's mind blowing stuff really, and I might be taking a workshop about it in December. I've also been reading a lot for the spiritual class I've been taking. It's been really great for me to have that weekly support and daily practice of either reading or journaling or meditating in my life, especially at this time when so much is still settling and changing.

I brought a lot of stuff with me to this house. Not everything, but a lot. The one thing I forgot was my sketchbook, and it's pulling at me. I really wish I had it. I have a lot of ideas to get out, the little one I keep with me all the time is FULL. One thing I did not forget was my cheese--a wheel of brie. I only mention it because I thought it was kind of funny to ride the bus to this place with a wheel of brie stashed in my suitcase. Makes me wonder what might be lurking in the innocent looking bags of others.

Did I mention that the people who own the house and the dog and the cats that I'm looking after also own a very nice little blue Mini Cooper? Did I mention that I am allowed to drive this Mini Cooper? Did I ever mention that I'd really love to own a Mini Cooper? Perhaps I'll have to drive over to my apartment and pick up my sketch book.

random, mini cooper, cheese, portland, spirtual stuff, beach

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