Portland Tomorrow!

Apr 21, 2008 16:52

Wet soggy worms and fresh cut grass were the smells that greeted me when I stepped out of my car last night. My foot landed, splotch, into a puddle, which really isn't so bad. The night before my foot landed, squish, right in the mud in front of my brother's house in Catonsville. When it happened I was very disappointed as I surveyed the damage. My black satin flats with the black jewels on the toes, all covered in mud halfway up the sides. I still haven't tried to clean them. The longer I wait, it could be that it'll be harder to clean. I worry there's no saving them, but until I start to clean them, I won't know for sure. Until I attempt to get the mud off, there's still the hope that they might actually come clean. My thinking is probably a little flawed, but there it is.

When I got home I spent some time in the sauna (my mom had just finished so it was already hot). I took a cold shower after which made me feel tingly and awake. I put on my pjs and decided to take the dogs outside. I was barefoot, but I walked in the grass anyway. The grass was short and wet and felt good on my toes. It wasn't raining very much, so I stood outside for a while.

This morning I woke up pretty early and finished my business cards. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, even though they are simple.

I spent most of the day yesterday with jesnie and justbori at their apartment and around federal hill. We got lunch, we got coffee. We were going to watch a movie, but just ended up talking the whole time instead, which I think is great. I love hanging out with them, and their apartment makes me feel so creative, so we decided that some day I'll have to come over with my computer and then we can IM each other while we all sit in the same room. So dorky, I love it.

I'm packing for Portland, (I'm leaving tomorrow!!) so of course I needed a little procrastination live journal writing break. I still have a good amount to do, but at least my flight is in the afternoon, so I can even stay up late tonight and get everything ready and not have to get up at some un-godly hour which makes me more fatigued and stressed than I like to be when I travel. Ok, I guess break's over.

sauna, friends, shoes, portland, travel

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