um, yeah, er, whatever.

Mar 20, 2008 01:00

loo loo loo.

fuck fuck fuck.

duck duck duck.

muck muck muck.

mee mee mee mee mee.

la la la la la.

loo loo loo loo loo.

moo moo moo moo moo.

may me ma mo moo.

too too too too too.

coo coo coo coo coo.

foo foo foo foo foo.

blu blu blu blu blu.

cha cha cha.

ba ba ba.

ta ta ta.

fa fa fa.

ha ha ha.

ha ha.

Make no mistake, I wrote this just for you.


Maybe if there wasn't a shooting pain that insisted on traveling down my right leg at odd intervals, and maybe if I hadn't had that last cup of black tea at 9pm I would be sleeping right now. Sometimes, I must admit, I don't exercise the best judgement when it comes to caffeine and late evening hours. Sometimes a cup of tea, or even a cup of coffee, at 5pm, or 7pm, or 9pm just sounds SO GOOOOOD, and the part of my mind that knows it'll keep up is oddly absent, so I indulge, and then I stay up half the night with my mind running in circles.

At that point the part of my brain that knew all along that caffeine will keep me up will say, "I told you so!" but then I'll remind it, "no! actually you didn't! you didn't even whisper a word of caution! where the hell were you??!" and then that part of my mind will just respond, "oh yeah, you're right," and sheepishly skulk off into the background, without even a word of explanation, as more important musings, such as ideas for new art projects I'll never start, or when I might have my next cup of tea take over my actively spinning mind.

I was thinking about the last journal entry I intended to write but didn't. It was last Saturday night when I was driving back from Baltimore after seeing a movie with Jessica. I was going to write about noodles, both wet and aldente. It was supposed to be full of metaphors that would ultimately be a bit of a stretch, but would amuse me to no end. Then on Sunday morning I woke up and I was SO SICK with a nasty flu. It literally knocked me out. I don't think I've ever been that weak and sick, even when I had mono.

Maybe I'll write the journal entry about noodles some day. It was also going to be about sauce. It was going to be great.

I think this journal entry might make me sound a little crazy, but don't worry, my mind's still sound, just a little wired and over active at the moment.


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