May 04, 2009 11:17
So a lot has kinda been going on in my offline life, mostly having to do with school, but I've... been kinda hesitant about putting things here. Mostly because a lot of it is boring, a lot of it is me whining about how much crap I have to do, a lot is whining about policies and people and aarg.
But I had my first dream in Japanese last night.
Okay, it wasn't entirely a dream in Japanese. I dreamed I was in Japan and talking out loud practicing my Japanese, and I said something that was wrong, and like all the Japanese people within earshot turned and gave me funny looks, and then the person right next to me corrected me. I was using the wrong verb, but I forget which verb it was or even what grammar construct it was or all that. But the dream was definitely in Japanese.
lol wtf,
life is life is life,