Feb 05, 2009 21:12
Katsucon meme stolen from multiple peoples...
➊ Arriving?
♥ Ahahaha I need to deal with that. Taking Bolt bus to NYC and getting driven the rest of the way maybe?
➋ Flying?
♥ NO EFFING WAY. I have a horror story about that... >.>
➌ Staying?
♥ With the usual cosplay crew
➍ Thursday?
♥ Maybe skipping 4.301
♥ Maybe arriving late
➎ Friday?
♥ Skit practice
♥ NO IDEA WHAT COSTUMES maybe Mithos or something I dunno... Or Yowane actually is pretty likely
➏ Saturday?
♥ Sync because I hear there's a Tales shoot or something
♥ MASQUERADE HAHA shiiiiiiiiit
➐ Sunday?
♥ Uh
♥ Going home probably
♥ And um Vocaloid or something (haha walking through Port Authority wearing that lolno)
➑ Policy?
♥ Uh. Don't die. Buy wallscroll. Don't fail. The usual. :|
➒ Drunk?
♥ Nope, not my thing.
➓ Leaving?
♥ Sunday. I hope.