I went to Six Flags Great Adventure today yesterday!
Top Thrill Dragster vs Kingda Ka
By the numbers:
- 420 feet
- 120 MPH in 4 seconds
- 456 feet
- 128 MPH in 3.6 seconds
TTD: 0 --- KK: 1
The ride:
Those 30-some feet and that +8 MPH don’t really feel like much more. This is a tie.
TTD: 0 --- KK: 1
The loading:
TTD loads two cars at a time, and doesn’t even move the next car into position until well after the most recent one has been shot up. KK can load up to four cars at a time, and the next car moves into position once it’s clear the first one isn’t coming back the way it went up. TTD’s only edge is that the cars can hold four more people each, but that isn’t enough.
TTD: 0 --- KK: 2
The view from the top:
TTD launches you up 420 feet for a glorious view of a decent portion of Cedar Point park (not to mention a look at the ENTIRE LAYOUT of Millennium Force), beyond which spreads the majesty of a great lake. KK shoots you up 456 feet to show you... a parking lot. Oh, and cars! Can’t forget the cars.
TTD: 1 --- KK: 2
On a bad day, I have seen TTD have five or six fallbacks within the span of a few hours. From what I saw, KK had only one or two rides that I would be hesitant to even name close calls. As the later-built coaster, it’s probably got less bugs than the original.
TTD: 1 --- KK: 3
Line planning and management:
In KK, they need to give you tickets to make sure you didn’t jump in line at some point. That how much contact the “outside world” has with the line. With TTD, the moment you’re in, there is literally an 8-foot wall separating you from all those people who’d just love to ride without waiting the two hours. Did I mention that TTD’s line is between the two sides of the coaster?
TTD: 2 --- KK: 3
Scenery and theming:
I’ll come right out and say it: KK got shafted. TTD has a long track that you can see in its entirety. They set up a freaking BANDSTAND where people can sit and watch the coaster. The track is an alternating red and white. The trains are modeled after real dragsters. The launch point includes a realistic race light, complete with three yellow and a green light that light up just before you’re launched. There’s even a board with a speed gun attached to it, which admittedly you can’t read as you’re rushing past it at 120-some MPH, but it’s a cool thing for onlookers (and between you and me, I’ve seen it hit up to 126). KK has a nice jungle theme, complete with the green coaster track, but there is no place where you can see the whole track. There’s no good place to get a nice picture of the large hill. Hell, there isn’t even a freaking roller coaster sign to take the souvenir photo in front of!
TTD: 3 --- KK: 3
Restraint system:
TTD has your standard Intamin fare. This being, that yellow lap bar that fits snugly against your waist with the grey bar on the front, and the long grey shaft that connects it to the car. KK has an entire looping coaster restraint system, complete with a shoulder harness. Here’s a hint, guys: less is more.
TTD: 4 --- KK: 3
Final verdict:
Personally, I can’t recommend Kingda Ka. Top Thrill Dragster, while less reliable, a bit longer wait, and a tad smaller, is just overall designed much, much better. The view alone makes or breaks the contest when the two are so close, and TTD offers a MUCH better sight. Trust me, you won’t really feel the difference between 120 and 126 MPH; but when you get to the top, the view on Cedar Point’s gem will take your breath away. Six Flags makes the lull at the peak seem more like a necessary evil.
If you have the time, the money, and the ability to hit either of these, Ohio is the way to go. Top Thrill Dragster delivers on the promise of the strata coaster much better than Kingda Ka does. The rest of the park isn’t too shabby either!