Feb 01, 2012 00:16
My Daddy used to say, "say a prayer for me," when he'd leave for a trip or anytime that we'd talk and he was out on the road. Prayer was a mainstay for my dad. I miss him and would give almost anything if he'd still be here now. Today I had a bit of an epiphany as to why he said that. My dad knew that people didn't always have his best interests at heart or even love him the way his family and friends did. He knew there was evil in the world and salty characters everywhere. His asking for prayer was a way of assuring that someone was saying something good on his behalf/for his welfare and well-being, as well as a reminder that we need to remember that there is a greater power out there looking out for us...something good and positive that we need to hang on to. Today was a harsh day in a few respects. I have found myself disappointed in so many different ways lately. I keep thinking about the day I was dropped off from the hospital with my newborn baby and left completely alone. That was a metaphor for how I would (apparently) spend quite a bit of time. Just me and the baby.
I'm going to ask....for anyone that comes across this post to "say a prayer for me". I need it and lots of it. I'm under tremendous pressure and stress. Money issues, more money issues, work stress, being alone all the damn time with only a toddler to talk to kinda stress, never do anything but sit at home kinda stress (see money issues). Heaven help me!