Today is the 92nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. My grandfathers entire family was massacred in front of his eyes when he was barely 5 years old. He was left orphaned til a distant uncle found him at 17.... there are so many others that went through what my grandfather went through... so many....
Please watch these videos... you spend all day watching crap videos that mean nothing... watch a few that mean something...
The gentlemanin this video, Hrant Dink, was murdered earlier this year for wanting to get the Armenian Genocide Recognized...
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Watching these videos breaks my heart... BREAKS it... it amkes me desire to continue my painting series stronger... it makes me want to put it out there for all to hear about.
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Turks think they can break us... it has been 92 years since the start of the Armenian Genocide... 92 years.
They think we'll stop one day... we won't.
Not until this GENOCIDE of my people is recognized will we stop pushing for it.
please repost to get the word out... dont let the government hush us... tell your friends...
The forgotten genicide:
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