Братья кхенпо

Sep 29, 2015 19:44

"Everywhere we go and whatever we do, it’s not always comfortable or satisfactory. There are so many sufferings, difficulties, and challenges all the time. Even if it’s not on the surface, it is still lurking on a deeper level. We’re always suffering, and we’re always experiencing samsara-there is never a complete comfort, happiness, or joy that we can rely on. So we don’t have to worry about it so much-it’s always this way. We should try to be a little bit detached and flexible, and not cling and hold on to everything so tightly all the time. We should just see as it is-as samsara-and in samsara we have troubles. When troubles and difficulties come, we should not feel so bad. We’re in samsara. When it rains, we’ll get hit by a few drops even if we have the best umbrella or raincoat. We don’t have to think that it’s strange or unusual when this happens. We just have to be strong and a little detached."

Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches
"Supreme Wisdom: Commentary on Yeshe Lama"
Scheduled to be published December 2015

Photo of the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches in the 1990s.


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