before i run to class...

Nov 03, 2005 12:23

definately feel like poopies. went to bed around 2... woke up at 5 in a coughing fit and never really back to sleep... now im snotting on myself.. with a headache...and coughing til my lungs hurt. atleast i only have 1 class until the weekend... then its mommys bday... party day friday and cassies for dindin on sunday. NOT TO MENTION Runyon coming to play for a bit sat night and a good night of spooning. just found out today she was the 1995 champ of pictionary at her school... still apparently hasnt moved on (o;

class was interesting today. Bruce's class is one ill always get up for. we talked about the beatles and motown and the music going on in the late 50s and the 1960s... its classes like his that makes me want to wait out the full 4 years... but then when i think about my other business cycles...and general makes me never wanna go back to school..

still wondering whether i just wanna take 1 class next semester or do a whole load with fun classes liuke drawing and american culture classes...

i guess we will have to see.

by the way last night was fun until i almost died of the coughing attack. we played the 90s edition of TP and watched closure and experienced an interesting purchase that tina bought downtown. kinda reminded me of my early days in college and brings back a nostogic feeling when i felt young and wide eyed and ready to tackle and change the world. which reminds me of the revolution that ocurred yesterday. I think knowing im about to leave college... and watching people so passionate about so many issues....stuck in the glory of college life.. it makes me smile. i think its great when people are passionate...but even better when people who are passionate about certain issues are informed and work to create change. im only saying this after living with 2 of my roomies for the last 2 months and watching them interact and fly across the country to see people from across the world speak on various issues. that to me is the beauty of ann arbor. i guess ive always found the power to create change in education. theres no better force to motivate people and movements than educated and passionate people. and sure educated people are great. so are passionate people... but without utilizing the other... nothing really gets done. for example reading that bush is a neo-hitler does nothing for me. learning about factual information regarding his administration, tax policies, sc justice placements...big business another story...

i guess part of me wishes i was able to use my passion about issues of discrimination and opression...but i feel like before i can utilize it in creating my own personal ripples.. i have to first become educated. so when people laugh about my studying economics... or are clueless as to why i want to learn the spanish language and travel south america and learn about the lat am culture... maybe that very point will make it clearer. i need my toolbelt of knowledge and understanding to made my stance strong. like a true capricorn.. i dont go for anything unless i know it can be attained. i wont open my mouth unless i can argue a point til its death. many of you know that first hand lol.

and lastly... in seeing the rosa parks gathering last night... it shows that education + passion creates power that can have unprecidented effects on those around you. if you do ur best to open the eyes of even 5 people... and they do the same with 5... and so on...bringing passion and education in the picture will eventually bring about change.

so for those who think im apathetic...sit down and take the time to talk to me. for those who feel apathetic... sit down and think about what youre passionate about... and for those who are already passionate... think about whether you "know" what you truely know. and if it all comes in hand then u have one of woman/mankinds greatest assets-the power to change.

i know thats another rant...but in feeling sick as a dog in the past week ive kinda kept to myself and had a lot of time to think about where i have been... where i am now.. and where im going... and after last nights vigil and watching the people affected by a small lady on a bus a half century makes me glow with the little light i had as a wide-eyed freshmen.

just another brain fart layin in my bed with tissues piling up and coughed up phlegm on my comp screen (o:
un amor.
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