Science, art, design, crafts, photography... Some neat, some NSFW,
I'd divide this up into categories, but there's too much overlap.
The Popular Science archives. Searchable, fully viewable. Pack a lunch, you might be there a while.
A Rube Goldberg device that makes breakfast. Bacon-scented candles. That would be such a tease.
Kittredge Candles also makes
soft pretzel candles, candles that smell like
Coppertone suntan lotion, and
tea lights that glow in the dark, among other oddments.
Via Reddit,
painting on thrift store paintings. The
giant squid is my favourite.
The Neatorama store: it's like
ThinkGeek, only... different.
Sci-Fi-O-Rama. Arcade art, fantasy illustration, cover art, prog rock album covers... Yessssss.
A documentary (the first part; the rest is linked on the side of that page) about my parents' hometown and one of my favourite artists, Jurek Putter. He's a historical research illustrator (some more examples
here). My family had the great privilege of touring his studio and listening to him talk about local history when we were over in 1993 -- it was fantastic, if exhausting (he discourses like he draws; it was like an entire degree's worth of lectures in medieval Scottish and religious history over the course of an afternoon).
Precariously balanced cliff towns, including Santorini.
A private collection of American Civil War Medical & Surgical Antiques. Great resource for writers and history buffs.
In a related vein,
A Repository for Bottled Monsters, which is an unofficial blog by archivists at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in the U.S., which started as the Army Medical Museum during the Civil War. Among other things, they've been blogging letters from various medical practitioners, which accompanied their contributions to the museum in its early days.
For lovers of old books,
an auction of medical, scientific, and antiquarian books, including travel and topography, is being held tomorrow. You can see the lots via that link.
Outrepart -- shows 100 odd images from various online sources, updates every hour. No, it's not all pr0n, but some of the art's NSFW.
Bunnylicious -- all rabbit art, all the time. Note: some of it is creepy (taxidermy, nudity, paintings of dead game, etc.).
Monster Brains -- images of monsters. Entry for March 8: Star Trek comic covers. Tentacles!
Cornell's collection, "The Fantastic in Art and Fiction". Excellent gallery.
A brilliant idea:
Fixer's Collective, a time and space in which to collaborate on putting stuff back together, making new stuff out of broken stuff, and generally having fun. It's like stitch-n-bitch for tinkerers. If such a group were to meet hereabouts, I'd join.
Found Shit's
books tag holds several delights. I want the sheets and the staircase. :)
Knithacker. For those who like to knit (and crochet) weird things like stuffed toy angler fish, or Norse battle helmets for chihuahuas.
Speaking of yarn: Shauna Richardson's
crochetdermy. Taking crocheted animals the next logical step.
Young Me, Now Me -- the idea is to recreate an old photo with the original subjects. The family photos are adorable, especially the siblings.
Sleeveface -- another photo project. In this one, people pose with album covers, such that the face on the cover looks to be their own. Here's your summer project: hit up your local garage sales for the perfect covers.
Accidental Mysteries, a blog about finding stuff like all of the above. (The last two links, for example.) Nifty!
Next time I'll do a linkspam of squickifying stuff. Yes, I'll label it accordingly. :)