So, uh... cards. Yeah. *stares blankly at blank cards* Do they sell Epiphany cards? Maybe that would be a better plan. *facepalm*
The washing machine is fixed, thank g-d -- repair dude finally arrived at 10:15 lastnight, left around 11:30 in a cloud of WD-40, at which point I put in a load of clothes and hoped for the best. Well, it seems okay, so far...
Hoping that folks bail out of the office early today. That would be nice. Then maybe I can, too.
It's above zero and raining out there. *squint* Oookay.
Last night both the bunny and I had earaches. A little Tylenol and we were both fine, but... yeah. She probably shouldn't be having earaches, still, at this point. Keeping an eye on it, anyway.
Did some editing last night, while Alex and Chris were out seeing Narnia *envy* (I had to be home to wait for the repair guy -- see above; Alex arrived home not long after the repair guy finally showed up). Granted, I don't like the experience of seeing a movie in a theatre, much, so I'm not overly disappointed. I just want to get out of the house and do something other than shop -- or at least shop for something I've wanted to shop for, for ages. (Bras, dammit! Pants! That belt!) But at the end of the day, even if I could, I'm too knackered.
I can't even get my arse in gear to shop for prezzies. Thank g-d Alex has the afternoon off...
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm bitching again. *hugs anyone silly enough to read this*