Dear Tony:
If you still harbour doubts that anyone wants to see you with your kit off, even after all the squeeing over last night's episode (and said squeeing will no doubt continue for quite some time), well... I honestly don't know what else will convince you.
But I really hope you're convinced.
Dear David and Matt:
More, please.
Oh, and if you're ever stumped for ideas, talk to me. I have ideas. Oh, boy, do I ever.
Dear Little Britain Wardrobe Mistress/Master (heh):
If it's not going to be auctioned off for charity, how much do you want for the thong?
Seriously. Name your price.
Dear Thong:
Lucky bitch.
Dear Television Powers-That-Be:
Why the heck can't we all see the same thing at the same time, despite an ocean between us? Why do people in Britain have to wait ages to see stuff from here? Why do we have to wait ages (or never) to see stuff from there (even in Canada -- some Commonwealth!)?
If I can surf the net from my frickin' backyard, there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to see the newest episodes of Little Britain the same day they appear over the pond. LEGALLY.
And you wonder why people download!
No love,