Alex (who now has CivIV working successfully and thus will probably never be seen/heard from again on LJ, just FYI) carved a spiffy spooky-but-nice face, which hopefully the bunny will like. I now have a whack of seeds soaking in salt water in advance of roasting (yum). There was quoting of Peanuts ("You didn't tell me you were going to kill it!") during the struggle to gut le gros potiron.
I wrote a couple thousand words of VG/BtVS fic and am polishing off the smut. I'm also working on the last run at the ficathon entry (the overdue one). But! I'm going to post the Power Ballad one Monday night. Yay!
Tomorrow is Samhain; much love to the folks on the flist who mark the day.
jaemin's already there! *waves*
I will eat ice cream and wear something fun to work (pleather and red tights with wee black deils all over 'em, most likely), light candles and welcome the imps, and toast the departed with some mulled cider.
If you were here, I would share it with you, give you back tickles and make you laugh, and we could sit in the backyard while maple leaves rain down on us. *hugs everybody*