It has come to my attention that today is Appreciate a Dragon Day. (Although really, shouldn't every day be?) So, I had to think about some dragons that I appreciate. Want to know which ones I came up with? No? Oh, okay. PSYCH, you're hearing about them anyway! (Deep inside, you know that's what you wanted.)
- The various dragons kind enough to appear in my own writing, mostly in Rabbit and Cougar. Without them, the Dragonfolk would have to really rethink their culture.
- Kazul of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, because she appreciates the value of a "captive" princess that won't run away and can make cherries jubilee. Reading this book, I had no idea what cherries jubilee was, but I wanted it.
- The red dragon of the Bone series, because those. Ears. Just Google him, okay? "Red dragon bone" should do it.
- Smaug in the upcoming second Hobbit movie. (Revenge of the Hobbit? The Hobbit Strikes Back?) Because he will be voiced by Benedict Cummerbatch, and he will be playing opposite Martin Freeman, and it will basically be Sherlock, but with a dragon. Be still my heart.
How about you? What dragons do you appreciate?