Good Points. Bonus: Funny!

Feb 10, 2011 19:28

Just a quick post to mention two things related to books and storytelling.

This blog post by author Neesha Meminger does a great job addressing what I feel to be an important issue: the way people of color are so often found just in stories that are about the struggle and strife they must face as a result of being people of color. What about fantasy, adventure, comedy, romance? These are not solely the domains of white (or straight, able-bodied, cisgender, probably attractive) people, and shouldn't be shown that way in books. I won't go on too much about it, though, as Ms. Meminger says it so well. I am totally adding her book Jazz in Love to my to-read list.

Relatedly, this video, referenced in Ms. Meminger's post, features author Chimamanda Adichie speaking about the dangers of representing a group of people with "a single story." It's not only insightful but funny. And it's just under twenty minutes. You totally have time to watch it.


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