May 20, 2009 10:32
I'm considering taking Alex's car today and driving to Detroit.
In the most recent Chicago Reader, they had a five page layout about Detroit. Abandoned buildings, cheap bars, and all the BBQ joints. I want to go exploring in Michigan.
I might also map out my dumpster rout for the summer. I recently discovered that my local SalVa has NO dumpster for me to dip my toes in. I am thinking that Pete's Fresh Market and Fairplay will both have bountiful dumpsters, and that The Arc thrift store in Wicker Park will have one as well.
First things first...
-Fix bike
-Possibly pick up a few hours at the cafe (I started working at Mestizo for food and tips.. love it.)
-Security deposit at new apartment
-Trash bags
-Check out the blues section at Reckless and also the blues book section at Myopic
-Laze in the SUN!
AND now I am going to make five cups of coffee and chain smoke for a few hours.
Dream apartment in ten days..... FUCK YES!