Children proving/disproving the theories

Sep 20, 2008 22:06

So tonight I was playing with Amelia on the floor, and I was taking pics.  She was being cute.  Will post the pics eventually.  I have a lot of pics to put up on flickr.  Well there is a box of dolls and stuff animals under the table and I grabbed Tim's baby doll affectionately known as 'Frank'.  Well she had talked, and patted and played with him.  I thought she was done about 15 minutes into it the box.  First she looked at me oddly, then she was not saying up, not saying ball, but oll, oll, oll while trying to squirm to the box.  I put her down and she tooled over to the box and started bapping Frank.  Well she has been playing now for over an hour.  She babbles to him, pats his head, kisses him and points to his nose, eyes, mouth, and ears.  And babbles some more.  Now Tim had gotten Frank on his Christmas, he opened, and went quickly to the next thing.  There is a couple of times he has casually played with him but it is no not his thing.  Ryan, would drop him on his head, oh he would throw him on his head to get to a truck, train or ball.  But she took time and was gentle.  I'm like are your eggs already working, and Matt is like it cannot be the XX can it?
So I've always believed that there is a balance in nature and nuture, but tonight nature delightfully showed it's little head.  Now because I am charmed, I will nurture these behaviors.  Just like I am supposed to to keep the race going.

girl, babies, amelia

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