Jan 01, 2006 17:32
I am starting off the new year by being greatful to my buds specifically phae amanda cassie shayna josie and ange
And i can't forget my boys tart whitey buffa and dub! and scott haha
and last but most defenitley not least my wonderful boyfriend roge who made last year better and whom i hope makes this year the same
but i also have to say that i am glad i made a few new friends this year shout out to caitlin and heather who have wound up being some of the coolest chicks
Amd i also have to say fuck you to those who doubt me and for those who tried to get in my way. obviously you can't stop me
oh and i want to lose a few lbs other than that last year was tight and i hope thise year is better
buffa get your ass home bitch