Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) One quality you find attractive in
ricktart7? sweetheart
2) If
armyboybuffa and
handsdown2304 were spliced together, what would be its name? armyhandsdownbuffaboy
3) What rank would
blondi0317 have in a giant robot army? -18675483820
4) What is
armyboybuffa's favorite food? ???caitlin?? haha
5) What languages does
rosie_cmu_2008 speak? english
6) Does
chsbabyblues04 travel a lot? no
7) Where was
supaman3k1 born? mi
8) Is
pnutbuterbonbon your best friend? no...but a friend
9) Which president would
xxbigtiggosxx be likely to idolize? bill clinton
10) Would
foreverzero22 and
rosie_cmu_2008 look good together? yeah
11) If
supaman3k1 and
handsdown2304 were spliced together, what would it be like? handsdownsupaman
12) Did
lilballer424 break up with you? no...thank goodness
13) Would you ever date
ricktart7? in another life and another times...haha naw jk hes my bud
14) Has
rosie_cmu_2008 dyed their hair? yeah
15) What would you do if
ricktart7 died? cry
16) If
ricktart7 took over the world, who would suffer? dare i say n-i-doubble gerrrs
17) Where did you first meet
armyboybuffa? i dated him from voss's
18) What is
xxxminisquarexx's biggest flaw? natta shes sweet
19) Have you ever dated
lilballer424? yeah...currently
20) Is
lilballer424 dead sexy? of course
21) What do you agree with
blondi0317 about? that she is a fat hunk of shit
22) How many monkeys could
iridebikes fight at once and win against? o bilions
23) Does
supaman3k1 have a crush on
blondi0317? no they are cousins
24) Do you have a crush on
lilballer424? well duh
25) Is
ricktart7 friends with
armyboybuffa? best buds