There's a turtle on my coffee cup!

Feb 28, 2017 19:43

Happy Tuesday, peoples!  It's a workday, so I am sitting at my work desk and my mind is running in fifty different directions at once.  I blame the caffeine.  I seem to be sending out vibes to the worker bees around me that a well caffeinated Mouse is a very happy (less rageful) Mouse.Coffee as a bribe is one gift I am more than willing to keep!  And this morning's cup had the cutest artwork of a turtle, which really cheered me up.  The Bio Cup Art Series hashtag on Instagram is one of my favs to watch.

I've also gone on a highlighter bender - my package status register is multi-coloured right now, and I have no shame about that!  I am currently in a polite war with the contractor over which party has the higher percentage of action items in their court.  I concede that our little team may be under resourced and therefore under performing, but a pet peeve of mine is deliberate misinformation. Everytime I get sent a status list I feel morally obligated to pounce on that list and markup any and all errors, inconsistencies and outright fibs like I'm a high school teacher reading a badly put together assignment. D minus this week!!

In order to keep my positivity shining today, I changed up my usual habit of listening to muderino podcasts during the day to avoid distractions and chose to listen to saner subject matter.  One in particular was the latest episode of Eff Yeah Film & Feminism.  Episode 24 had a great discussion on Hidden Figures, a movie I have yet to see but is definitely on my Must Watch list, but what really caught my attention was the chat with Rooster Teeth’s Barbara Dunkelman and Lindsay Jones.  A thoroughly satisfying discussion on feminism, diversity in video games, childhood female heros, and frank discussions on sexuality.

I know, I know, feminism seems to be one of those catchphrases of late that sparks up a debate on the internet.  I hear a lot lately about how feminists are 'men-hating, hypocritical leftist trash' that are out to ruin mankind the world over.  Well, maybe not a lot. I mostly hear it from this one deliberately provocative scumbag troll I still have on my Facebook friend list.  I have to force myself to disengage from him almost everytime he posts his verbal diarrhea.

It's not that he is not an asshole in person; he is.  But he's the good sort of asshole you want around - if that makes any sense!  He has a lovely wife, and a gaggle of adorable daughters.  He has an intelligent mind and can debate like a normal human being when discussing issues face to face and not through a computer screen.  I don't even know how he can be a raging twatwaffler online, but he excels at it.  Toxic masculinity at it's finest.  He even tried to start a fight with me the other day on my own post about how the Fair Work Commission's decision last week to scale back penalty rates on Sundays was the fault of the Labor Party's leader back when he was the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. Disingenuous argument, dude!  I had to retreat before I exploded.  The mansplaining was so incredibly painful.  Urgh. Really gives credence to the quote I was reminded of this morning by Abdul Sattar Edhi, that "people have become educated, but have yet to become human."

I eventually made the decision to unfollow him, and maybe that was a copout, but I can't debate with someone I can't respect.  Life is complex enough without encouraging deliberate baiting.  If you have something you want to say, go ahead and say it.  Be prepared for a reply.  If you are only throwing insults into the void purely to assuage your own gleeful spite and to intentionally hurt others, you don't deserve to be listened to.

highlighters, telling it like it is, coffee addict, work-life, podcasts, insane ramblings, toxic masculinity

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